
chuáng pù
  • bed;sleeping bunk
床铺 [chuáng pù]
  • [bed] 用木板搭成的床

床铺[chuáng pù]
  1. 出于长期的习惯,他停下来整理床铺。

    From ingrained habit he paused to straighten up the bed .

  2. 她整理了床铺,收拾了自己的房间。

    She made her bed , and tidied her room .

  3. 我会把你原来房间的床铺整理好。

    I 'll make up the bed in your old room

  4. 安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室收拾停当。

    Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery .

  5. 人们懒散地躺在食堂里搭起的临时床铺上。

    People are sprawled on makeshift beds in the cafeteria

  6. 船再次倾侧了,她又被甩回床铺的另一头。

    The ship listed again , and she was thrown back across the bunk .

  7. 护士给病人整理床铺,使他躺得舒适一些。

    The nurse comforted the patient by tidying up his bed .

  8. 她为那位不速之客准备好床铺。

    She got a bed out for her unexpected guest .

  9. 他要求我整理床铺、做作业。

    He made sure I made my bed and did my homework .

  10. 请你派个女服务员来整理床铺好吗

    Can you send up one of your housekeepers to make bed ?

  11. 弹性床铺抬高器---抬高床铺,释放更多床底下的空间。

    Spring Loaded Bed Loft-Lofts bed , freeing up extra storage space underneath .

  12. 床铺高潮指的是躺在床上时非常享受的感觉,特别是在漫长而辛苦的一天过后。

    Bedgasm is the excessive enjoyment2 of lying down in bed esp after a long and exhausting day .

  13. 工作了18个小时,长途旅行过后,或者进行了几个小时极度辛苦的体力活动之后,倒在床上时,体会到的完全彻底的幸福愉快的感觉会达到高峰,这就是床铺高潮。

    Bedgasm is a feeling of complete and utter euphoria which peaks when climbing into bed at the end of an 18-hour workday , a long road trip or hours of extremely strenuous1 physical activity .

  14. 我要去呃带Michael和Charlotte去楼上安顿好床铺

    I 'm going to , uh , take Michael and Charlotte upstairs to get situated .

  15. 你能在拉卡普里亚(LaCapria)酒店里找到这个季节中的最佳床铺。该酒店拥有20个房间,内配有融合了摩洛哥与地中海风情的家具,它还拥有自己25米高的帆船,这是为夏末阳光中的环岛游配备的。

    This season 's best beds are found at La Capria , a 20-room hotel with Moroccan-meets-Mediterranean furnishings and its own 25-meter gulet for island hopping in the late-summer sun .

  16. 最适合懒人的工作:酒店床铺测试员谁说睡觉不能赚钱?LeighMcCarron的工作就是每周在Travelodge酒店睡三四个晚上确保酒店的床都符合标准。

    Leigh McCarron is paid to take a night 's rest at a Travelodge three or four times a week to ensurethat the beds are up to standard .

  17. 方法80例患者分为2组,实验组于麻醉术后3h双手(手心朝上)紧贴床铺横插患者臀部置尾骶部于手心中5min,对照组作常规护理。

    Methods 80 patients were divided into two groups : the study group , who were asked to put both hands ( with the palms upward ) under the buttocks for 5 min 3 h after anesthesia ; and the control group , who received regular nursing .

  18. 我得整理床铺和洗衣服。

    I have to make the bed and do the laundry .

  19. 我们在地上摊开一条草垫作为临时床铺。

    We shook down a straw mattress as an improvised bed .

  20. 床铺还令人满意,可是伙食太差。

    The bed was right enough but the food was terrible .

  21. 茱丽叶正在折叠她的晚宴礼服并整理床铺。

    Juliet was folding her banquet gown and making her bed .

  22. 他躺在他的床铺上,身上盖了一大堆毯子。

    He lay in his bunk under a mound of blankets .

  23. 你上学之前应该把床铺整理好。

    You should make your bed before you go to school .

  24. 每张床铺的两边均备设先进的轻触式控制台。

    Situated on each side of beds are state-of-the-art touch-screen consoles .

  25. 仆人把床铺好了没有?

    Has the servant made the bed ( s ) yet ?

  26. 离家上学以前记得收拾床铺。

    Remember to make your bed before you leave for school .

  27. 她坐在夹在桌子和床铺之间的一张椅子上。

    She sat in a chair wedged between table and bunk .

  28. 早上他离开后为他整理床铺。

    Make his bed after he 's left in the morning .

  29. 小男孩正在学怎样给床铺被单。

    The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed .

  30. 你们这些孩子为什么不整理好自己的床铺?

    Why can 't you kids make your own beds ?