
  1. 他发现了色彩的魅力,应用色彩领域的作品时则受到德劳内的影响。

    He discovered colour and applied the colour field compositions influenced by Delaunay .

  2. 我试图像使用塑造诗歌的词语,塑造音乐的音符那样来应用色彩。

    I try to apply colors like words that shape poems , like notes that shape music .

  3. 首先,应用色彩的统计模型,大大减小了图像的彩色空间的大小;

    First , with a statistical color model , the original color space for images is greatly reduced .

  4. 提出一种先应用色彩阀值进行预分割,然后应用改进的分&合算法完成最终分割的图像分割算法;

    An image segmentation algorithm is bring forward , which uses the color valve to do pre-segmentation , uses the improved Divide-Merge algorithm to complete the segmentation .

  5. 画面色彩效果是靠色彩的相互对比得以体现的,因此对色彩对比知识的了解有助于掌握和应用色彩,更好地为艺术创作服务。

    The effect of color in a painting is achieved by color contrast , therefore , an understanding of color contrast can help the mastery and application of color .

  6. 研究结果对ICC标准的普及应用以及色彩管理应用水平的提高都有着指导意义。

    The research results are of the guiding importance for the improvement of the popularization and application of ICC standards as well as the application level of color management .

  7. 了解和把握民间美术色彩的审美特征,对在现代艺术创作中准确应用民族色彩具有指导意义。

    The study is valuable for modern arts by using national color accurately .

  8. 论色彩科学应用引燃色彩经济革命

    On Applications of Color Science and Resultant Economic Revolution

  9. 在具体操作上就要依靠空间形态的控制、材质的应用、色彩的搭配、光影的投射以及影像技术的支持等等。

    In the specific operation , it will depend on the control of space shape , material application , the color mix , the technical support of lighting and video projection and so on .

  10. 将数字的可变性应用到色彩编程和色彩设计之中,以期对艺术设计中手工颜料调配、提高色彩的准确度及色彩的复制与研究提供参考。

    The application of digital variability into digital programming and methods for color digit scheme can be of help to the manual operation of mixing colors in art design , to improving color accuracy , color duplication and research .

  11. VC6.0下使用GDI+为应用程序添色彩

    Use GDI + In VC 6.0 to Make your Application Colorful

  12. 色彩倾向和色彩样本:作为语汇的应用以及对色彩文化的影响

    Colour trends and colour collections : their use as a vocabulary and effect upon colour culture

  13. 色彩在现代设计中的应用主要包括色彩识别、色彩美化和色彩调节三个方面。

    The application of colours to modern design includes the . differentiation , beautification and regulation of colours , totally in three ways .

  14. 同时实现了操作系统级的色彩管理&ICM2.0和自定义的应用程序级色彩管理。

    It implements color management of operation system level & ICM 2.0 and custom color management of application level at the same time .

  15. 将该算法应用于服装色彩优化系统,研究了种群规模和子种群规模的选择对算法性能的影响。

    Then , TS-IGA was applied in a dress color optimization system to study how the population size and sub-population size influence the performance of the algorithm .

  16. 实际应用表明,自适应色彩渲染要优于Windows自带色彩管理功能。

    Experiments show that the adaptive color rendering is superior to the windows default color management .

  17. 要使Web应用更富有专业色彩并使它们能够随时在线运行,所有这些都是很重要的因素。

    All of these are important elements in giving Web applications a professional touch and in making them ready to go online .

  18. 随着数字技术的日新月异变化,色彩管理软件的功能日渐强大,CTP技术、数码打样、屏幕打样的应用,为现代色彩的准确传递和控制提供了重要途径。

    With the rapid development in digital technology , the function of color management software is increasingly powerful . In addition the application of CTP technology , digital proofing , screen proofing provides an important means for the accurate transmission and control of modern color .

  19. 脑电地形图在颈椎病所致椎&基底动脉供血不全中的应用研究冬季女装色彩预测

    Applied study color brain atlas in vertebro-basilar ischemia due to cervical spondylopathy

  20. 应用主题物品、色彩或风格不会创造出最佳的设计关联。

    Using subject matter , color , or style will not create the best design relationships .

  21. 网页色彩的特性及合理应用数码影像的色彩管理入门讲座4&特性文件形成和常用操作流程

    Color Characteristic of Web Page and the Rational Application FORMATION AND COMMON OPERATION PROCESS OF PROFILE

  22. 算法中多种色彩空间的配合应用特别是均匀色彩空间的应用,极大地减少了可能引起的图像失真。

    The application of multiple color space , especially the uniform color space , greatly reduced the possible distortion in color separation .

  23. 11旧有锚栓留下来的洞口,应用和该处岩石色彩相似的黏胶、树脂、补土加以补满。

    11 Old bolt holes not re-used should be filled in with glue / resin / putty of a similar colour to the rock .

  24. 低色温光源的应用,适当的色彩和动态照明以及周围标志性建筑的照明可以提升环境气氛。

    Moreover , application of luminaires with warm color appearance , appropriate colorful and dynamic lighting and illumination of surrounding mark buildings can improve the ambience .

  25. 由调查样地的数据可得出,株洲市道路绿地景观植物应用种类丰富,色彩鲜明,层次感较强,并呈季相变化。

    Can be drawn from the survey sample data , Zhuzhou City road green landscape of plants used in variety of bright colors , layering , and showed a seasonal variation .

  26. 当然你可以应用文字排版、色彩、男女主角的靓图来有力展现电影的魅力,但你必须清楚如何合理地把这些元素混搭在一起。

    Of course you can use such powerful tools like typography , colors and protagonist faces but still you have to know the secret formula for mixing all these things the right way .

  27. 论文基于遗传算法研究了从参考设计实例中抽取色彩配置方案、并将其运用于新设计的方法,同时建立了色彩方案的量化评价方法,应用VC++开发了色彩配置方案设计的原型系统。

    A subtraction and reuse method of color design from examples based on genetic algorithms is studied in this paper . A quantitative assessment system of color design is established , and a color design proto-system is built with VC + + tools .