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  1. 幽州镇位于河朔三镇最北端。唐代羁縻府州与中央关系初探

    Relations Between the Periphery Prefectures and the Central Government in Tang Dynasty

  2. 第四章使用表格的形式对唐宋以来河北路府州县政区的升降作了对比,并加以分析总结。

    Chapter fourth using a form of the Tang and Song Dynasties Hebei house , County District lifting made contrast , and analyze and summarize .

  3. 定额非定额&晚清各府州县学缺额研究1.各州州议会应规定本州参议员及众议员之选举时间、地点及程序;

    Clause 1 : The Times , Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives , shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof ;

  4. 广东书院与社学以及府州县学相互补充,使封建教育的发展出现了前所未有的局面。

    The college learning , social education and social education in Guangdong intersected each other , which has resulted in development of the feudal education never seen before .

  5. 明代山东的基层学校是明代山东的教育体系中的重要组成部分,其对府州县学的补充与促进作用非常大,二者共同构成了明代山东完整的教育体系。

    Primary school education is an important part of the Shandong education system , the two together constitute the complete education system of Shandong education system in Ming Dynasty .

  6. 而文化的传承离不开学校,府州县学由于有完善的体制,记载的也多,历来研究者写得比较多一些,而基层学校教育由于材料分散则没有系统的论述过。

    As government schools have a sound system and many records , researchers write many more papers about them . However , primary school education is no systematic discussed before due to material dispersion .

  7. 辽宋都继承了唐朝在民族地区设置羁縻府州的政策,奉行因俗而治的方针,在边疆民族地区设立了具有民族特点的行政建置。

    Both the Liao and Song dynasties carry on the Tang policy toward the nationalities of establishing the Jimi division in the minority nationality region and pursuing the principle of administrating according to different customs .

  8. 通过对城镇经纬度统计,揭示府州县城镇空间分布的特征是东多西少,南多北少,东西两端最少。

    By analyzing the longitude and latitude of the cities , the paper presents that the feature of the city distribution appears on a diminishing scale from east to the west and from south to the north .

  9. 非汉民聚居区,则设置羁縻府州,即继续维护当地本民族首领的行政管理制度,冠以唐朝都护、都督、州剌史的名号,允其以旧俗治理其部众。

    In the areas inhabited by other ethnic groups , the Tang rulers governed through the traditional chiefs and headmen , who were granted civil and military titles but allowed to manage local affairs according to their own customs .

  10. 在本文的结论部分,选取二十二种神灵作为指标,估算各府州之间民间信仰活动的相似度,进而对省内民间信仰区域划分问题做出初步的解答。

    In the conclusion section , the author selected 22 spirits as the index to calculate the similarity between the different prefectures , in order to give a preliminary answer to the problem of regional devision of popular religion in the province .

  11. 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034),他开始不断向宋发动攻势,在府州(今山西府谷)、环州(今甘肃环县)、庆州(今甘肃庆阳)等地击败宋军。

    He attacked the Northern Song in the 1st year of Jingyou ( 1034 ) and defeated her forces in Fuzhou ( now Fugu in Shanxi ) , Huanzhou ( now Huanxian in Gansu ) and Qingzhou ( now Qingyang in Gansu ) .

  12. 这种地域分布的差异性在政区内的各府、州、县也有鲜明体现。

    The unequally geographical distribution also existed between different prefecture and county .

  13. 地方设路、府、州、县四级。

    Local governmerits were divided into four levels .

  14. 明代地方儒学主要是指府、州、县学,还包括都司卫学。

    In the Ming Dynasty , the so-called local Confucian schools mainly refer to Fuxue , Zhouxue and Xianxue .

  15. 唐实行道、府、州、县制,公元618年(武德初年)为晋州。

    Tang implement Road , House , state and county system , the AD618 years ( the early years of Wude ) to Jinju .

  16. 以湖北省为例,考察了省、府、州县三级地方政府之间的财政关系:一方面,州县必须承担上两级政府的一定的财政负担。

    On the one hand , the government in the state and county had to undertake some financial burden of two upper class governments .

  17. 以历史文献为依据,介绍唐代学校式医学教育及它对后世的影响。唐代学校式医学教育的特点是:中央与各府、州普遍设立医学校,学校式教育推广到全国;

    Based upon the historical literature , this article introduces the school pattern medical education in the Tang Dynasty and its influence to the later generations .

  18. 清代地方政府分为省、府、州县三级,各有自己的机构负责城市治安。

    The local government of Qing dynasty is divided into the province , prefectures , department and district three levels , each with their own bodies responsible for urban order .

  19. 历史时期中国西南的插花主要集中在各省区或各府厅州县的交接处,以贵州最为突出。

    In historical times , Cha Hua mainly concentrated on the boundaries between different provinces , prefectures and counties in the southwest of China , which is mostly prominent in Guizhou province .

  20. 第四部分清代湖北省水旱灾害的空间分布特征,首先,根据年次、频率以及类型等统计数据对清代湖北省各府、州之间水旱灾害的空间差异性进行了大体研究。

    Firstly , according to the statistical data of years , frequency and types and so on to generally study the spatial differences of flood and drought disasters between the State and prefecture of Hubei province in Qing Dynasty .

  21. 以后,兴庆府、灵州一带,一直是西夏粮食生产的主要基地。

    Afterwards , the areas of Xingqing and Lingzhou became the main bases for grain production .

  22. 建水是云南古城,明清时期为临安府,管辖建水州、阿迷州、石屏州和通海县、河西县、蒙自县。

    Jianshui is an ancient city of Yunnan , established as Lin'an Prefecture during the Ming and Qing Dynasties .