
  • Lian Quan;cv 23
  1. 方法:取人迎、廉泉穴位注射利多卡因与地塞米松混合液。

    Methods : people Ying , Lian-chuen point injection of lidocaine and dexamethasone mixture .

  2. 对照组选取传统治疗失语穴位:哑门、廉泉、通里,配穴同治疗组。

    Main point of control group : Yamen , Lianquan , Tongli , coordination of acupoints are the same as treatment group .

  3. 针刺主穴:廉泉、风池等十个穴位;从五个分型辩证配穴。

    Main point : LianQuan , acupuncture Jinjin wind pool , ten points , way his poems did ; With five points from the dialectical point type .

  4. 阴虚风动:另取太溪,三阴交,照海。随症取穴:除上述体针穴位如语言不利:另取舌三针,哑门,廉泉。

    Acupoints with the disease : In addition to the body acupuncture points , such as language disadvantage : tongue three needles , Yamen , Lian Quan .

  5. 对照组35例采用语言康复训练;治疗组46例,在语言康复训练的基础上,采用针刺治疗,主穴取百会、哑门、通里、廉泉。

    Method Eighty one patients were randomly divided into a control group of 35 cases receiving linguistic training and a treatment group of 46 cases receiving acupuncture of Baihui , Yamen , Tongli and Lianquan as main points on the basis of linguistic training .

  6. 各组患者均给予脑卒中常规处理、吞咽功能训练,普针组患者另给予常规针刺治疗,治疗组在额中线、廉泉、夹廉泉加用针刺运动疗法。

    All patients were received conventional therapy and deglutition function training . Besides , patients in acupuncture group received regular acupuncture therapy , and patients in treatment group received acupuncture plus moving therapy in forehead middle line , lian quan and jia lian quan points .