
  • 网络jianguo road
  1. 最后,通过对新疆昌吉市建国路街道办乾居园社区的案例研究,剖析了小城镇社区服务组织的典型发展模式。

    In conclusion , the paper illustrates the typical developing model of the relative organizations though case study of Qianjuyuan Community , Jianguo Rd , Changji City of Xinjiang Province .

  2. 犹太人独特的历史及其非同寻常的建国之路给以色列民族国家打上了深深的烙印,使其民族国家构建既具有典型性,又具有特殊性。

    The special history of Jews and the extraordinary road of its country-building have a huge impact on Israel nation-building .