
  1. 在多岩石的山坡上有木制的小屋,而在树木繁茂的山谷有砖建的城镇。

    On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys , towns of brick .

  2. 如果我没记错……在南方,至少在一开始,人们建的城镇还没有贸易点多。

    If I remember correctly ... In the South , at least initially , they didn 't build towns so much as they built trading posts .

  3. 保障性住房(包括经济适用房和棚户区改造)去年在城镇住宅销售中仅占13%,在在建的城镇住宅建筑面积中仅占15%。

    Social housing ( which includes affordable housing and shantytown redevelopment ) accounted for only 13 per cent of total urban home sales last year , and 15 per cent of total urban residential floor space under construction .

  4. 所以一种观点认为,河的流向转成南向了,人们就跟着河流移动,在南方建了新的城镇。

    So one theory is that the river 's course shifted toward the South , and they simply followed it and built new towns to the South .