
  • 网络Architectural environment design;Architectural Environmental Design;Environmental Design in Architecture
  1. 广州大学城星海音乐学院建筑环境设计

    Architectural Environment Design of Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou University City

  2. 它与建筑环境设计、室内环境设计共同归属于环境空间艺术,空间是他们的主题,也是他们融会贯通的共同点。

    It belongs to environmental space art as the same as architectural environment design and interior environment decoration . The space is their theme and common ground as well .

  3. 建筑环境设计模拟分析软件DeST第8讲自然通风与机械通风系统的联合模拟分析

    Building environment design simulation software DeST ( 8 ): combined simulation of natural and mechanical ventilation

  4. 风景名胜区旅馆建筑环境设计

    The Environmental Design of Tour Hotel in Mountainous District and Scenic Spot

  5. 城市历史地段中的建筑环境设计原则分析

    Principles of Architectural and Environmental Design in Urban Historic Area

  6. 图书馆建筑环境设计中人文精神的思考

    Thoughts about the Humanistic Spirit in the Design of Library Building Environment

  7. 建筑环境设计表现教学的重要性

    The Significance of Representation Teaching in Architectural Environmental Design

  8. 分析了地下建筑环境设计要考虑的主要因素;

    The main factors considered for environment design of underground building were analysed .

  9. 建筑环境设计与中国古代风水理论

    The Architecture Environment and the Chinese Ancient Geomantic Theories

  10. 以人为中心,研究人在环境中的感受,探索以最佳的外在表现形式实现功能的深层逻辑的需要,为我国的现代化医院建筑环境设计提供一个研究的理论依据。

    Accordingly provides proper theoretic foundation for modern hospital building environment design in china .

  11. 地下建筑环境设计的思考

    Some Thinkings on Environment Design of Underground Buildings

  12. 浅谈色彩心理在建筑环境设计中的应用

    An Elementary Introduction of the Use of Color Psychology in the Design of Architectural Surroundings

  13. 图书馆建筑环境设计与读者心理效应探讨

    An Approach to the Design of Library Construction Environment and the Psychological Effect of Reader

  14. 现代综合医院建筑环境设计探索

    Study on Modern Hospital Building Environment Design

  15. 建筑环境设计心理分析

    Psychological Analysis of Architectural Environmental Design

  16. 绿色建筑环境设计研究

    Research of green building environment design

  17. 指出动态热环境设计在现行建筑环境设计中应受到充分重视。

    The authors advance that dynamic thermal environment should be recognised in design of building environment .

  18. 现代建筑环境设计思想的发展经历了从自发到自觉的过程。

    Design thought of modern architectural environment experiences a process , from spontaneous state to self-conscious state .

  19. 很多户外建筑环境设计,还缺乏对热环境舒适性的认识和考虑。

    In addition , the thermal comfort is usually not regarded in a great deal of outdoor environment design .

  20. 并结合典型案例分析,探索经济条件制约下建筑环境设计中形态表达的适宜性创作方法。

    Combining Chinese typical conditions , it also explores the appropriate designing methods of form expressions in limited economic conditions .

  21. 人是建筑环境设计和服务的对象,人体活动是由环境和人的相互关系所决定的。

    Man is the object of building design and service , and his activities are determined by his relationship with the environment .

  22. 本文主要讲述建筑环境设计创意的重要性和建筑环境所表达的各种意境和意义。

    This paper mainly discuss the originality of architecture environment design and the various meanings and artistic conceptions which is architecture environment expressed .

  23. 文化符号的应用在标志设计、平面设计、建筑环境设计、室内设计等领域中应用的非常广泛。

    The application of the " culture symbol " has been widely used in the sign design , plane design , architecture environmental design and indoor design .

  24. 介绍了日本第19届建筑环境设计竞赛的获奖作品成长的旅程的构思完形过程和主要设计内容。

    This paper introduces the conception and design content of the Growing Parade , a design work that received award in the 19th Building and Environment Competition in Japan .

  25. 绪论详细介绍了文化建筑环境设计的定义、范畴以及特征等;

    The full text is divided totally into four parts which are follows : The introduction is detailed to introduce the meaning of Cultural architecture environment , the area and definition of cultural architecture environment design ;

  26. 建筑环境设计作为人类的一种以物质形式存在的创造物和文化现象,它独特的个性品格特征,使它具有了自己独特的文化内容。

    The architecture environment design is regarded as a kind of human beings ' creation and cultural phenomenon existing in the form of material , and its particular individual characteristic results in its own unique cultural content .

  27. 文化建筑环境设计是建筑设计中的最广阔的领域,它大致可分为公共建筑环境、住宅建筑环境、工业建筑环境;

    Cultural architecture environment is the architecture design 's most extensive fields , it can be divided into several types , such as : public environment of architecture , housing environment of architecture , industrial environment of architecture ;

  28. 选题的研究对丰富和拓展建筑环境设计创作理论,指导经济条件影响下的设计创作实践有着重要的现实意义和学术价值。

    This research is of great realistic significance in enriching and expanding the theories of architecture environmental designs . Besides , it is of great realistic significance and academic value in guiding the designing practices under the influence of economic conditions .

  29. 本文对学校、生活小区、广场进行了实测研究,在实验的基础上全面分析了影响热舒适的因素,提出了通过建筑环境设计改善户外热环境的有效措施。

    In Chapter 5 , Experiment research has been done in the living plot and square , Based on these experiments , thermal factors has been completely analyzed . Effective measures of adjusting architecture environmental design have been put forward to improve outdoor thermal environment .

  30. 如何在包容工业生产的同时最大限度地体现对人本身的关注,使不良刺激或负荷减至最少,这是当代工业建筑环境设计探索的目的,也是本文研究的目的。

    How to accommodate industrial production and embody the maximum concern about human beings at the same time , and minimize negative stimulation or burden , it is the aim of the present environment design of industrial building , i.e. the aim of this paper research .