
  • 网络Modern garden;Landscape Architecture
  1. 大地园林化&中国现代园林发展的必由之路

    Land Gardenization & The Only Way of Modern Garden Development in China

  2. 中国传统造园思想在现代园林设计中的应用

    Application of Chinese Traditional Landscape Idea in Modern Garden Design

  3. 现代园林生态设计方法研究

    A Preliminary Study of Ecological Design Method in Modern Landscape Architecture

  4. 现代园林空间设计中的一些问题

    Some Personal Views on the Design of Modern Gardens in China

  5. 美国现代园林设计大师&詹姆士·罗斯

    James Rose & The Master of the American Modern Landscape Architecture

  6. 庐山植物园在中国近现代园林建设中的地位

    The Position of Lushan Botanical Garden in Modern Landscape Construction in China

  7. 九十年代以后的西方现代园林

    On the Modern Western Landscape Architecture Since the 1990 's

  8. 现代园林植物造景意境研究&点空间植物造景初探

    A Preliminary Study on Plants Landscape in Point Green Space

  9. 冷季型草坪已成为现代园林绿化的重要组成部分。

    Cold season lawn has become the important component of modern park .

  10. 极简主义艺术及其对西方现代园林的影响

    Minimalist Art and Its Impact on Western Modern Landscape Design

  11. 对日本现代园林设计风格的思考

    Thinking on the Design Style of Japanese Modern Landscape Architecture

  12. 中国古典园林与现代园林的继承与发展

    Inheritance and Development between Chinese Classical and Modern Gardens

  13. 法国现代园林景观设计理念及其启示

    Conception and Revelation of Modern Landscape Architecture in France

  14. 园林植物在现代园林植物造景中的应用

    Elementary Introduction to the Application of Ornamental Plants to Modern Landscape Architectural Design

  15. 现代园林中水景工程的作用及其特点

    Function and its characteristicses of the water view engineering In the modern park

  16. 现代园林设计中文化内涵的探索

    The Exploration of Cultural Connotation in Modern Landscape Design

  17. 谈我国现代园林中材料的运用与发展

    On the Application and Development of Materials in Chinese Modern Gardens and Parks

  18. 竹在现代园林中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Bamboo in Modern Landscape Architecture

  19. 现代园林与高技术的完美结合

    The Perfect Combination of Landscape Architecture with New Technique

  20. 古建筑木结构保护技术在现代园林工程中的应用

    Application of Timber Structure Conservation Technology of Ancient Building in Modern Garden Engineering

  21. 中国古典园林在现代园林建设中的核心竞争力的思考

    On the Core Competitiveness of Chinese Classic Park in the Construction of Modern Park

  22. 西方现代园林的空间构成&从巴黎工美博览会到米勒花园

    Space Composition of Western Modern Landscape Architecture & From Paris Exposition To Miller Garden

  23. 植物景观设计是现代园林景观设计的重要内容。

    The garden planting design is an important part of the modern gardening design .

  24. 中国现代园林的创作机遇

    The Opportunities of Modern Landscape Design in China

  25. 对现代园林植物景观设计的理性思考

    Consideration of the Modern Garden Planting Design

  26. 对他进行很好的研究将加深我们对美国乃至西方现代园林发展情况的了解。

    The study of him will improve our understanding of the western modern landscape architecture .

  27. 现代园林休闲建筑设计初探

    Studies on Modern Landscape Architecture for Leisure

  28. 本论文初步探讨了现代园林休闲建筑的设计原则与方法。

    The thesis discusses the design principles and methods of modern landscape architecture for leisure .

  29. 欧洲现代园林设计中的平民精神

    The Plebeianism of Modern European Landscape Architecture

  30. 20世纪90年代后的西方现代园林研究

    Study on Modern Western Gardens after 1990s