
jiàn zhù qún
  • building complex;group of buildings architectural complex;complex
  1. 建筑群空调冷负荷的确定

    The determination of airconditioning cooling load of a building complex

  2. 建筑群是聚落所有居民栖居的场所。

    Building complex was a place where all residents inhabited .

  3. 那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。

    The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings .

  4. 建筑群在薄雾中若隐若现。

    The mist blurred the edges of the buildings .

  5. 它的建筑群半掩在长满青草的河岸后面。

    Its buildings are half-hidden behind grassy banks .

  6. 大路拐角处的古老建筑群如今还在。

    The group of old buildings on the corner by the main road is still there today

  7. “怀河草地”是一处由农舍改造而成的赏心悦目的建筑群。

    Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex .

  8. 这是新建筑群。

    This is a complex of new building .

  9. 该建筑群是由著名的丹麦建筑事务所比亚克英格斯团队设计,这也是BIG事务所在北美的第一个项目。

    The building is designed by renowned Danish Architect firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and is their inaugural North American project .

  10. CFG短桩复合地基在将府家园建筑群地基处理中的应用

    The Application of CFG Short-Pile Composite-ground to Dealing Ground of Buildings in Jiang-Fu-Jian-Yuan

  11. 在此基础上,结合FLOWVR集成环境中的体网格生成及流场解算器对建筑群内爆、多管道流动等问题进行了数值模拟及分析。

    Together with the existing FLOW_VR environment , the software developed in the thesis is used to simulate flow fields associated with internal explosions within a group of buildings .

  12. 该建筑群定于2016年完工,是中国房企鑫苑置业旗下的XINDevelopmentGroupInternational在美国建起的首个项目。它将建造216个单元,包括15套联排住宅和一座55英尺长(约合17米)的游泳池。

    Scheduled for completion in 2016 , the complex , the first ground-up American project of the Chinese XIN Development Group International , will have 216 units , including 15 townhouses , and a 55-foot-long swimming pool .

  13. 集商业和办公于一体的建筑群北京银河SOHO(GalaxySOHO)是两位杰出女性的第一个合作项目。

    Galaxy SOHO , a large office and retail development in Beijing , was their first project together .

  14. CFG桩在解决建筑群承载力及沉降差的工程应用

    Application of CFG Pile-Soil Composite Ground in Controlling of the Difference in Settlement and Load Bearing Capacity of Building Group

  15. 二十五年过去了,现在的金融城规模大多了:20世纪90年代早期在宽大门西面几英里的金丝雀码头CanaryWharf构建了第二个建筑群;

    A quarter of a century on , the City is far bigger : it established a second cluster in the early1990s at Canary Wharf , a few miles east of Broadgate .

  16. 另外利用点一面结合方法以及AWS观测资料,探讨了大气边界层动力和热力结构以及城市建筑群布局、城市热岛及其强迫引起的城市中尺度次生环流的影响效应。

    It is also discussed that impacts of atmospheric dynamical and thermodynamic structure in the boundary layer , urban building communities distribution , urban heat island and mesoscale convergence and divergence secondary circulation forced by urban heat island .

  17. 首先分析了城市航空影像数据特点,并利用分块FCM聚类方法对建筑群进行预分割,从而缩小了在航空影像数据中建筑物提取的搜索空间,大大较少了计算量。

    Some analyses of data feature in urban aerial image are done first , and a split-block-clustering based on FCM method is discussed for the coarse segmentation of building groups , which can reduce the search region for buildings extraction and decrease calculation much more .

  18. 德州公司PageSoutherlandPage公司的托马斯·麦卡锡曾为美国设计过17座外交使馆建筑群。他为将当地传统融入到驻瓦加杜古大使馆建筑所做出的贡献感到自豪,比如,阴凉却露天的等候室和外部墙面曲折的绘画图案。

    Thomas McCarthy of Page Southerland Page , a Texan firm which has designed 17 American diplomatic compounds , is very proud of the tributes to local tradition it incorporated into the embassy in Ouagadougou , for example , in the form of a shaded but open-air waiting area and a zigzag decorative motif on the external walls .

  19. 南端有320.6m隧道穿越软流塑淤泥质粉质粘土层,覆土厚度8~9m,穿越地面建筑群和地下管线网。

    320.6m of the tunnels at the south part go through soft flowing mucky silty clay and underground pipelines , with an overburden thickness of 8 ~ 9m .

  20. 这座现代艺术建筑群由BabyBjorn公司的创建者伯恩·雅各布森(BjornJakobson)构思设计,2012年开业,致力于举办各种流派的展览。它坐落于华美的水滨,距离市中心只有20分钟的公交车程。

    Conceived by Bjorn Jakobson , the founder of BabyBjorn , this modern art complex opened in 2012 with genre-busting exhibitions in a gorgeous waterfront location that 's only a 20-minute bus ride from the city center .

  21. 高层建筑群对地面沉降影响的模型试验研究

    Model Test Study of Influence of High-Rise Building on Ground Subsidence

  22. 建筑群施工组织设计的思考与认识

    Consideration and recognition on organizing and designing of complex architecture construction

  23. 天主教河南总修院是一组优秀的近代修道院建筑群。

    Catholicism General Monastery of Henan province is excellent architectural complex .

  24. 香港的高大建筑群映在天空上,颇为壮观。

    The tall buildings of Hong Kong make a magnificent skyline .

  25. 始宁庄园精舍建筑群体现了他的山居净土美学。

    Abode buildings in Shining Manor reflected his aesthetics of Sukhavati .

  26. 建筑群风环境的数值模拟仿真优化设计

    Optimized Design of Wind Environment in Building Cluster by Numerical Simulation

  27. 武汉大学早期建筑群造园艺术特色

    Artistic Features of Gardening for Early Building Groups in Wuhan University

  28. 多层建筑群内建筑外围压差分布测定及分析

    The Measurement and Analysis of Pressure Difference Distribution for Multistory Buildings

  29. 上周,一架英国战斗轰炸机将这一建筑群化为了粉末

    A British fighterbomber last week reduced this compound to rubble .

  30. 建筑群风环境特性的数值模拟与分析

    Numerical simulation and analysis on wind environmental characteristics of building group