
  • 网络Open system interconnection;Osi;ISO OSI
  1. 应用进程与开放系统互连(OSI)模型相关的各个方面。

    The aspects of an application process pertinent to OSI .

  2. MAC协议位于开放系统互连模型中的数据链路层,主要负责控制与连接物理层的物理介质。

    The MAC protocol is a part of the Data Link Layer in the OSI seven layers . It is responsible for control and link the physical media in Physical Layer .

  3. GB/T17533.2-1998信息技术开放系统互连远程数据库访问第2部分:SQL专门化

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Remote database access Part 2 : SQL specialization

  4. TCP完成开放系统互连(OSI)模型中传输层,即第四层的功能。

    TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) transport layer , or Layer 4 .

  5. 开放系统互连(OSI)安全开发

    Development of Open System Interconnection Security

  6. 开放系统互连(OSI)的主要目标是实现驻留在不同系统中的应用之间的互通与互操作。

    The main goal of Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) is to accomplish interworking and interoperability between applications residing on different systems .

  7. 它是基于国际标准组织(ISO)、开放系统互连(OSI)、参考模型(RM)的一种通用结构。

    It is a generic structure based on the International Standard Organization ( ISO ), Open System Interconnection ( OSI ) and Reference Model ( RM ) .

  8. DAP只能在开放系统互连的(七层)协议上运行,运行时需要用PC机的很多处理能力。

    DAP only runs on Open Systems Interconnection protocol stacks , and requires much of a PC 's processing power to run .

  9. 将产品数据表达和交换的国际标准STEP应用于信息集成,是实现开放系统互连的关键技术,从而达到CAD/CAM信息集成系统中数据的交换和共享。

    It 's a key issue in open-system connection to apply STEP , international standard for product data expressing and exchanging to information system integration . It can realize to exchange and share data in CAD / CAM integrated system .

  10. 本文从数据流的观点对国际标准化组织制定的开放系统互连(ISO/OSI)参考模型中的(n)协议机的活动进行了描述;

    This paper describes the behavior of ( n ) Protocol Machine [ ( n ) PM ] from the data pipeline point of view . The ( n ) PM is defined in Open System Interconnection [ OSI ] Reference Model specified ?

  11. 第二部分借助于OSI开放系统互连模型,对CAN总线网络的结构、特点等做了较详细的介绍。从应用的角度,分析了CAN总线的发展趋势。

    The second chapter details the structure and characteristics of CAN-bus with the aid of OSI model and analyses the development trend of CAN-bus in term of application .

  12. 开放系统互连(OSI)的概念与技术的普及,使声称遵循OSI协议标准的产品陆续问世。

    As the concept and technology of Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) are being widely accepted , the products which are claimed to conform OSI protocols standards are entering into marketplace .

  13. 通过借鉴OSI(开放系统互连)网络参考模型的理念,本文提出了一种7层通信业务模型,揭示了固网运营商业务创新的瓶颈所在&终端。

    Refer to the theory of OSI reference model , this paper proposes a seven layer communication services model , and based on this model , finds out the essential bottleneck of services innovation & the terminal .

  14. TMN模型建立在ISO的开放系统互连(OSI)基础之上,提供了一个有组织的网络结构,以取得各种类型操作系统之间、操作系统与电信设备之间的信息交互。

    The TMN model is built on the base of Open System Interface ( OSI ) of ISO , which offers an organized net structure to realize the exchange of information among all kinds of operation systems , between the operating system and the telecom equipment .

  15. 针对当前C3I系统的现状,基于开放系统互连/基本参考模型提出了防空C3I通信网络的链路维护层、网络传输层和信息表示层的三层模型。

    According to the current situation of C 3I system today , a three-layer modal of communication network including Link Maintenance Layer , Network Transmission Layer and Information Expression Layer is presented in this paper based on ISO / OSI reference modal .

  16. 在开放系统互连模型中两个相邻层间的边界。

    The boundary between two adjacent layers in the OSI model .

  17. 什么是开放系统互连模式的正确指令?

    What is the correct order for the OSI model ?

  18. GB/T17579-1998信息技术开放系统互连虚拟终端基本类服务

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Virtual terminal basic class service

  19. GB/T15128-1994信息处理系统开放系统互连面向连接的基本会话服务定义

    Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Basic connection oriented session service definition

  20. GB/T17173.3-1997信息技术开放系统互连分布式事务处理第3部分:协议规范

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Distributed transaction processing Part 3 : Protocol specification

  21. GB/T17143.6-1997信息技术开放系统互连系统管理第6部分:日志控制功能

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Systems management Part 6 : Log control function

  22. GB/T17546.1-1998信息技术开放系统互连无连接表示协议第1部分:协议规范

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Connectionless presentation protocol Part 1 : Protocol specification

  23. 开放系统互连环境下馆际互借协议的国际标准

    Brief introduction of international standard on the interlibrary loan protocol in the OSI environment

  24. GB/T17534-1998信息技术开放系统互连物理服务定义

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Physical service definition

  25. GB/T17176-1997信息技术开放系统互连应用层结构

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Application layer structure

  26. GB/T9387.1-1998信息技术开放系统互连基本参考模型第1部分:基本模型

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Basic reference model Part 1 : The basic model

  27. ISO/OSI会话层协议是开放系统互连七层模式中的重要组成部分。

    ISO / OSI Session Layer is an important part in the OSI 7-layer model .

  28. GB/T17175.2-1997信息技术开放系统互连管理信息结构第2部分:管理信息定义

    Information technology Open systems interconnection Structure of management information Part 2 : Definition of management information

  29. 这个模型与面向连接的连网规约相似,即类似于分层的开放系统互连结构。

    The model is analogous to a connection-oriented networking protocol or the Open Systems Interconnection-layered architecture .

  30. 开放系统互连参考模型

    Open-systems interconnection reference model