
yì yì
  • objection;dissent;opinion;demur
异议 [yì yì]
  • (1) [objection;dissent]∶不同的意见

  • 每有四方异议,辄召入问筹策。--《后汉书.耿列传》

  • 异议蜂起,高谈不息。--唐. 卢照邻《南阳公集序》

  • 持异议

  • (2) [opinion]∶法律用语。指法官对案件判断有不同意见

  • 提出异议

异议[yì yì]
  1. 一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。

    Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations

  2. 多数学者认为青光眼患者大多是M通道受损,弱视患者多是P通道异常,但仍有部分学者存在异议。

    Most scholars believe glaucoma are mostly M channel is impaired , amblyopia patient is P channel abnormal , but there are still some scholars have objection .

  3. 任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。

    No one could possibly take exception to his comments .

  4. 当时没人提出异议。

    No objections were raised at the time .

  5. 这些说法并非无人提出异议。

    These claims have not gone uncontested .

  6. 我们所有的异议都被置之不理。

    All our objections were thrust aside .

  7. 这桩离婚案没有人提出异议。

    The divorce was not contested .

  8. 他们接受了,没有提出异议。

    They accepted without demur .

  9. 既没有争执,也没有异议。

    There was no disagreement , there were no dissenting voices .

  10. 事先征求了他的意见,他并没有提出异议。

    He had been consulted and had raised no objections .

  11. 我认为多数人不会对此有异议。

    I don 't think many people would argue with that

  12. 未等罗莎表示异议,他就抱起了猫。

    He picked up the cat before Rosa could protest .

  13. 因对程序问题的异议而提出了推迟要求并获得了通过。

    The postponement was demanded and won on a point of order .

  14. 达拉对我们老一套的性别和女性特质观念提出了异议。

    Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity .

  15. 那一刻,我以为她要提出异议。

    For a moment I thought she was going to expostulate

  16. 医生提出异议,但皮尔西却一再坚持。

    The doctor demurred , but Piercey was insistent .

  17. 如果您对增值税有什么异议的话,请告诉我们。

    If you have had a problem with the vatman , let us know .

  18. 她不能让它无异议地通过。

    She couldn 't let that pass unchallenged .

  19. 他是迄今最强硬的军事统治者,对任何异议都一律进行打压。

    He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent

  20. 你的前任雇主若对本案存有异议,必须在14天内予以答复。

    Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case

  21. 如果你有异议,我要你马上告诉我。

    If you have a problem with that , I want you to tell me right now

  22. 两名陪审团成员表示了异议。

    Two jurors signified their dissent

  23. 法国政府官员声称政府已经制定了应急计划,以防持异议者胜出。

    French officials say the government has made contingency plans in the event that the no 's win .

  24. 他一直争辩,不能眼看着该党让此条约毫无异议地通过。

    He has always argued that the party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod

  25. 军人应当毫无异议地服从命令。

    Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them .

  26. 对本计划的异议将予以考虑。

    Objections to the plan will be taken into consideration .

  27. 最后尼克松接受了我们一致的忠告,没有表示任何异议。

    In the end Nixon accepted our unanimous advice without demur .

  28. 那个艺术家不顾家里人的异议,继续画了下去。

    The artist painted on in spite of his family 's opposition .

  29. 我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。

    I think we can safely dismiss their objections .

  30. 这时,侍者建议该离开了,不容有异议。

    At this point the waiter suggested it was time to go and would brook no disagreement .