
  • 网络abstention vote
  1. 弃权票被计入赞成票。

    Abstentions count as a yes vote .

  2. CNN记者RichardRoth为我们报道美国投弃权票的背后原因。

    CNN 's Richard Roth reports on the reasoning behind the U.S. abstention .

  3. 三位保守党下院议员投了弃权票。

    Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote .

  4. 换言之,对于一项赞同就地停火的协议,那个国家将投弃权票。

    In other words , the country would abstain from a resolution favouring a cease-fire in place .

  5. 德国选择与中国、印度、巴西和俄罗斯为伍,在联合国安理会(securitycouncil)表决中投了弃权票。

    Germany chose the company of China , India , Brazil and Russia by abstaining in the Security Council vote .

  6. 这时有人在Facebook上开始了一个匿名活动,劝说学生们投弃权票。

    An anonymous lobbying effort began on Facebook , pushing students to vote abstain .

  7. 它是这样一种东西,我们因此(therefore)会投弃权票;但鉴于议案里牵涉到道德问题,金。贝克的修正案用公众免费抽样调查来表决更好。

    It could be something therefore on which we abstain but , given the personal issues of conscience in it , it could well be something for a free vote .

  8. 这时有人在Facebook上开始了一个匿名活动,劝说学生们投弃权票。如果有足够弃权票,提摩西就得不到学校规定的最低票数。这样选举就得重新举行,而新的候选人也会有机会出现。

    An anonymous lobbying effort began on Facebook , pushing students to vote " abstain . " Enough " abstains " would deny Timothy the minimum number of votes Wellesley required , forcing a new election for the seat and providing an opportunity for other candidates to come forward . The " Campaign to Abstain "

  9. 大部分官员投了弃权票或者反对票。

    The majority of the ministers abstain or vote against the authorisation .

  10. 但投弃权票的将是一个心照不宣的对公正的和平的肯定。

    But abstention would be a tacit Yes to a fair peace .

  11. 四分之一对工作报告投反对或弃权票。

    One-fourth of deputies voted no or abstained from voting to the report .

  12. 印度和南非投了弃权票,美国的坚定盟友以色列没有参加投票。

    India and South Africa abstained , while staunch US ally Israel did not vote .

  13. 有些债权人,包括几个秘密基金,都投了弃权票。

    Some of the debt-holders , including several hedge funds , abstained from the vote .

  14. 而现在俄罗斯则和中国、巴西以及印度一起,在联合国投了弃权票。

    By abstaining in its UN vote , Russia joined China , Brazil and India .

  15. 南非和巴基斯坦投了弃权票。

    South Africa and Pakistan abstained .

  16. 美国是四个投弃权票的国家,其它三个国家是海地,以色列和帛琉共和国(帕劳)。

    The US was one of four members to abstain , along with Haiti , Israel and Palau .

  17. 对在表决中投弃权票或未出席也未委托他人出席的董事不得免除责任;

    A director who abstained or who was absent and failed to appoint a proxy may not be exempted from liability .

  18. 现在不能马上得到投票结果名单,但是安理会非常任理事国投弃权票的有波黑、葡萄牙和哥伦比亚。

    No roll call was immediately available , but the swing votes among non-permanent Council members include Bosnia-Herzegovina , Portugal and Colombia .

  19. 可惜你无法忽视一个让人尴尬的事实:在联合国安理会就设置利比亚禁飞区举行表决时,德国投了弃权票。

    That would be to ignore the inconvenient fact that Germany abstained in the UN Security Council vote to impose the no-fly zone .

  20. 实际上,两位极左阵线的参议员反对意大利出兵阿富汗的军事政策;更加出人意料地是,两位终身议员投了弃权票。

    In fact it was two senators from the radical left who mutinied over italy 's military presence in afghanistan ; two life senators unexpectedly abstained .

  21. 在联合国安理会关于设定禁飞区的决议中,中国和俄罗斯、印度、巴西,投了弃权票。

    China had abstained from voting on the UN Security Council resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Libya along with Russia , India and Brazil .

  22. 早期迹象之一,将是中国在美国倡导的联合国制裁伊朗表决中投弃权票还是赞成票。

    An early sign will be whether China abstains or votes in favour of United Nations sanctions on Iran , which are being championed by the US .

  23. 有时很难记得,仅仅两个星期前,俄罗斯在联合国授权对利比亚动武问题上投了弃权票。

    It is sometimes hard to remember that only two weeks ago , Russia abstained in the United Nations vote authorizing the use of military force in Libya .

  24. 在其他方面,一名美国官员暗示,投弃权票的指令来自华盛顿高层,而非本来希望投赞成票的赖斯本来的意愿。

    Elsewhere , a US official indicated the decision to abstain came from higher-ups in Washington and not from Rice who wanted to vote yes on the resolution .

  25. 今年三月联合国安理会决议授权使用“一切必要手段”保护利比亚人民利益,中国稍稍回归保守,投了弃权票。

    In March China retreated somewhat by abstaining in the vote on the UN Security Council resolution that authorised " all necessary measures " to protect civilians in Libya .

  26. 其次是制定新的投票规则:实行多数票规则下的双向票制、实名票制,改革弃权票制。

    Secondly , we should formulate the new voting rule with implementing the rule of two-way vote , real-name vote with the majority voting system and reform the system of abstention .

  27. 如果有足够弃权票,提摩西就得不到学校规定的最低票数。这样选举就得重新举行,而新的候选人也会有机会出现。

    Enough abstains would deny Timothy the minimum number of votes Wellesley required , forcing a new election for the seat and providing an opportunity for other candidates to come forward .

  28. 之前不到48小时,安理会通过了1973号决议,俄罗斯、中国、巴西、印度和德国投了弃权票,这是法国和英国外交的一场胜利。

    Security Council resolution 1973 , passed less than 48 hours earlier with Russia , China , Brazil , India and Germany abstaining , was a triumph for French and British diplomacy .

  29. 据法国世界报报道,在最后一轮投票中,在议会下院该法案最终以赞成票64票,反对票12票,弃权票11票的结果通过。

    The law was passed in the final vote on the bill in the lower house of parliament by 64 to 12 with 11 abstentions , France 's Le Monde newspaper reports .

  30. 以色列总理本周一称,美国国务卿康多莉扎•赖斯因上周在联合国受命对自己帮助协商的加沙停火协议投弃权票而感到极为尴尬。

    Israel 's prime minister said Monday that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was embarrassed by orders to abstain from voting last week on a UN truce resolution for Gaza that she helped arrange .