
  1. 张宁已经33岁了,她说周五的比赛之后她已经筋疲力尽了。

    Zhang , 33 , said she was exhausted after Friday 's match .

  2. 但最打动我的是女子羽毛球运动员张宁。

    Among them was Zhang Ning , a female badminton player , who impressed me deeply .

  3. 张宁教授,天津医科大学,题目:新型低毒抗肿瘤纳米药物的研究。

    Zhang Ning , Tianjin Medical University . Topic : the Research on Nanomaterial Antitumor Drugs .

  4. 在世界邀请赛前夕,张宁和他的队员们度过了一整月的强化集训。

    Before the international tournament , Zhang and his teammates underwent a whole month of intensive training .

  5. 对张宁而言,获得国际邀请赛的冠军可谓梦想成真,也让他信心满满。

    Winning the tournament is a dream come true for Zhang . It has also boosted his confidence .

  6. 基于制度缺陷的金融创新与监管&巴曙松与张宁的对话

    Financial innovation and supervisory control in view of system defect & the dialogue between Ba Shu-song and Zhang Ning

  7. 也就是说,90年龄段国少队组建时可供选择的面较张宁这支国少队的选拔范围更窄!

    In other words , the age of90 teams set up at the less options Zhang Ning of this country less than the selection of the team even narrower !

  8. 为了提升战略战术,在不同的游戏局势下找到不同的应对策略,张宁和他的队员们每周训练6天,每天训练7个小时。

    Zhang Ning and his teammates train for up to seven hours a day , six days a week to improve their tactics and work out ways to deal with different gaming situations .

  9. 虽然很少有人向他一样25岁还在打比赛,但张宁表示他还不想退役,他说,“我还想参加下一届比赛。”

    Being a 25-year-old player in the field is a rare thing and he doesn 't want to retire from professional gaming yet . " I still want to play in next year 's tournament , " he says .