
  • 网络Strong Country Forum;strong china forum
  1. 人民网强国论坛意见传播研究

    Study on the Opinions Communicated of the " Forum on Making the Country Prosperous " of People 's Daily Online

  2. 网上论坛是网上社区最主要的组成部分。继全国性综合网上论坛,如天涯论坛、强国论坛的火爆之后,区域性的网上论坛,也开始迅速成长。

    Following the comprehensive national online community , such as the End of the World Forum , the power of the popular forums , the regional online community began to grow rapidly .

  3. 强国论坛侧重官方的公共领域,采用的是自上而下的下行政治参与形式,而天涯杂谈则偏重于自由的狂欢广场,它体现的政治参与形式更多的是自下而上的上行路线。

    The Forum of Make the Nation Strong places extra emphasis on official public domain , and adopts " top-down " political form of participation . While Skyline by-talk focuses on free " Carnival Square " which adopts " down-top " political form of participation .