  • infer;judge
  • 《易经》中解释卦义的文字:~辞(亦称“卦辞”)。

  1. 本文在结合宇宙生成论的基础上,对乾卦彖辞语序提出了自己的看法。

    Based on the Birth Theory of the Universe , the author will bring up her own opinion by this paper .

  2. 《周易》思想和其揭示的道理,从根本上影响了中国传统文化,尤其是在通过卦、爻、彖、象揭示道理的同时也奠定了中国艺术和美学的内涵。

    The thoughts from " book of changes " and the principles it exposes has influenced fundamentally china ? S traditional culture , and has established the connotation of Chinese art and aesthetics by revealing principles by way of gua , yao , tuan , and xiang .
