
  • 网络Image data
  1. 全球卫星遥感影像数据组织与WEB发布

    Organization and Web based publication of global satellite image data

  2. 基于Web的影像数据发布

    Web - Based Image Data Publish in g

  3. 海量影像数据的Web发布与实现

    Web-based Implementation and Publication of Massive Image Data

  4. 进一步提出了Web环境下遥感影像数据挖掘系统框架图。

    On second thoughts , puts forward a framework of the web Remote sensing image mining system .

  5. SPOT卫星影像数据在长输管道工程中的应用

    The Application of SPOT Image Data in Pipeline Route Engineer-ing

  6. 面向移动GIS的海量影像数据分发服务研究

    A Study on the Distribution of Massive Image Data for Mobile GIS

  7. GIS海量影像数据管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of GIS huge image data management system

  8. 基于C/S三层结构的GIS海量影像数据管理系统

    Three & tier scheme of GIS huge image data management system based on C / S

  9. 基于COM的GIS海量影像数据管理系统

    GIS Huge Image Data Management System Based on COM

  10. RDBMS和COM的海量遥感影像数据的管理和Web发布

    Mass Image Database Management and Web Publishing Based on RDBMS and COM

  11. 基于Oracle数据库的正射影像数据的组织和管理

    Organization and Management of Orthophoto Map Data Based on Oracle Database

  12. 基于医学影像数据中心的PACS系统集成的研究

    Research on PACS integration based on medical image data center

  13. PACS影像数据存储分发管理机制的研究

    Research of image data storage and distribute strategies in PACS

  14. 同时,Internet技术的飞速发展使得通过网络实现遥感影像数据共享已经成为现实。

    On the other hand , with the rapid development of Internet technology , it is a realism that access and share the remote sensing image data through the Internet .

  15. Apriori算法在遥感影像数据挖掘中的应用

    Apriori Algorithm in Data Mining of Remote Sensing Image

  16. 基于GPU的遥感影像数据融合IHS变换算法

    IHS Transform Algorithm of Remote Sensing Image Data Fusion Based on GPU

  17. 基于MODIS影像数据的劈窗算法研究及其参数确定

    A Research of Split Window Algorithm Based on MODIS Image Data and Parameter Determination

  18. 同时利用该方法,用于SPOT全色卫星影像数据和LANDSATTM多光谱数据的融合处理。

    With the fusion method , higher spatial resolution SPOT panchromatic image is fused with the Landsat TM multispectral image .

  19. 然而,遥感影像数据的多样性、复杂性和海量性无疑对基于内容的遥感影像库检索、特别是Web环境下的应用提出了巨大的挑战。

    However , the diversity and complexity of remote sensing image and the enormous data volume as well are big challenge of valid retrieval from remote sensing image databases , especially under web environment .

  20. 首先以研究区范围为界线对DEM数据进行裁剪,得到与遥感影像数据相一致的研究范围。

    First clip the DEM under clipping boundary of study area , get the same boundary to remote sensing images .

  21. 运用GIS技术和寻乌县1∶5万的DEM数据将气候要素值计算到寻乌县地图网格点上,并结合寻乌县TM遥感影像数据和GPS考察数据,对寻乌脐橙种植进行气候地形土壤综合区划。

    And using the GIS technique and 1 ∶ 50000 DEM data , the climatic value of division indexes was computed onto Xunwu map 's grid .

  22. 结论分级存储是实现PACS海量医学影像数据长期安全存储的有效方法。

    Conclusion Grading storage is the effective method for long-term storage of enormous amount of medical imaging data in PACS .

  23. 西安市生态环境植被信息的遥感反演进而对TM影像数据处理,得出广州市中心城区森林植被分类情况。

    The relationship of vegetation indexes and vegetation classes were developed based on the landsat TM data of Guangzhou City center district forest classification .

  24. 本研究中,8位病人的MRI脑影像数据在系统上进行了测试,实验结果显示,系统符合临床上的需求。

    In our study , 8 patients ' MR brain data were tested , and the test results show that , the system meets the needs of the clinical application .

  25. 本文分析了Oracle数据库所提供的数据类型的特点,对基于大型数据库的正射影像数据组织和管理做了较为详尽的阐述。

    On the basis of analyzing data type of Oracle , the organization and management of orthophoto map data based on Oracle database is mentioned .

  26. 针对这种情况,该文提出了基于COM的GIS海量影像数据管理解决方案,并给出了应用实例。

    As for that situation , this paper brings forward a solvable project that called GIS huge image data management system based on COM , and presents one instance .

  27. 纹理特征在Aster影像数据分类中的应用

    Application of Texture Feature in Aster Images Classification

  28. 利用ASTER影像数据,在CA模型下对福州市2010年和2020年的城市用地进行了模拟。

    This paper simulated the urban land-use in 2010 and 2020 in Fuzhou based on the cellular automata model using ASTER imagery data .

  29. 方法:通过主服务器冗余存储磁盘阵列(RAID)实现影像数据的在线存储;

    Methods : To realize the on-line storage of medical imaging data by the redundant array of independent disk ( RAID ) of host-server ;

  30. 利用GIS和RS为基本手段,建立了海岸带土地利用/土地覆盖分类体系及遥感影像数据解译的技术方法,提出景观单元动态变化模型;

    Utilizing GIS and RS technologies , this thesis developed methodologies for coastal zone land use / land coverage classification and remote sensing data interpretation and established a landscape unit dynamic model .