
  • Equinox Flower;Bana;higan bana
  1. 相传人死后,过了鬼门关便上了黄泉路,路上盛开着只见花,不见叶的彼岸花。

    Legend has it that after death , the gates of hell will be on the netherworld Road , road is in full bloom and flowers , do not see the equinox flower leaf .

  2. CreativeCommons在中国的本土化:彼岸花还是乌托邦?

    Localization of Creative Commons in China : Flower over the Coast or Utopia ?

  3. 从那以后,彼岸花再也没有在城市出现过。

    Since then , Bian Hua never appeared in the city .

  4. 他们守候了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来没有见过面。

    They waited for thousands of years of Bian Hua , but have never met .

  5. 传说,很久很久以前,城市的边缘开满了大片的彼岸花,也就是曼珠沙华。

    Legend long , long ago , the city on the edge of the area full of the Bian Hua , which is the Cayman sand , beads .