
Xú xiá kè
  • Xu Xiake
  1. 徐霞客二游黄山后是怎么描述黄山的?

    What did Xu Xiake describe Huangshan Mountain after his second visit ?

  2. 徐霞客的《楚游日记》,经济地理内容丰富。

    There are many contents about economic geography in Xu Xiake 's journaling .

  3. 徐霞客与《徐霞客游记》

    Xu Xiake and The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake

  4. 浅谈徐霞客游记中的文化因素

    A cultural perspective of XU Xia-ke 's Travel Records

  5. 《徐霞客游记》的史学价值

    The Historical Value of Travels of XU Xia-ke

  6. 徐霞客的创新精神

    Creative Spirit of XU Xia - ke

  7. 简论徐霞客庐山地理考察的成就

    A Brief Discussion for Xu Xiaka ′ s Achievements in Geographic Investigation to Lushan Mountains

  8. 来徐霞客青年旅舍吧!

    Come to wuxi Hiker Youth Hostel !

  9. 所以《徐霞客游记》对研究历史和民族也很有价值。

    Hence , this book is also valuable in the study of history and nationalities .

  10. 融地理学与文学于一书的《徐霞客游记》,向来被看作是一部奇人写的奇书。

    Xu Xiake 's Travel Notes kas always been regarded as a unique literary and geographic book .

  11. 中国游记的记述类型与《徐霞客游记》的里程碑意义

    Descriptive Categories of Chinese Travel Logs and the Milestone Position of Xu Xia Ke 's Travel Dairies

  12. 而浙江省宁海市则建议将旅游日定在5月19日&徐霞客游记开篇日。

    Zhejiang province ` s Ninghai , suggested May 19 , when Xu started writing his travel books .

  13. 他去世后,这些游记经后人整理成书,就是著名的《徐霞客游记》。

    After his death , these diaries were compiled into a book called The Travel Diaries of Xa Xiake .

  14. 徐霞客的游记是日记体,基本具备了自传的要素,因而具有自传意义。

    There is an implicative meaning of autobiography in Xu 's travel notes which basically comes in the form of a diary .

  15. 据史料记载,徐霞客首游地点为浙江省天台山。

    As recorded in the book , the first place Xu traveled to was Taintai Mountain in Tiantai County , Zhejiang Province .

  16. 徐霞客祖籍江西,名宏祖,徐豫庵和王孺人的第二个儿子。

    With an ancestry in Jiangxi , he was born Xu Hongzu , as the second son of Xu Yu'an and Wang Ruren .

  17. 徐霞客(1587~1641),地理学家、旅行家和文学家,以勇敢谦逊著称。

    Xu Xiake ( 1587 ~ 1641 ) was a descriptive Ming Chinese travel writer and geographer noted for his bravery and humility .

  18. 明代大旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两次登黄山,见黄山之胜状,叹为“生平奇览”。

    " Ming Dynasty Great traveler , geographer Xu twice Huangshan , Huangshan see wins like , sigh for the " odd life view .

  19. 人们常说是他母亲的鼓励形成了徐霞客的爱好。

    It was often commented that it was his mother 's encouragement to travel that shaped Xu 's predilections . His sobriquet is Zhenzhi .

  20. 文章论述了徐霞客对我国生态状况考察的认识,这种认识既是朴素的,又是生态科学理念的升华。

    The thesis deals with Xu Xiake 's ideas on the ecological conditions survey , which are quite simple but philosophical at the same time .

  21. 文中分析了徐霞客的生态认识及其在生态科技领域的学术地位。

    Both Xu Xiake 's ideas on the ecological conditions and his scholastic significance in the field of ecological sciences and technologies will be analyzed here .

  22. 徐霞客字振之。霞客是他的朋友陈继儒给他的取的号,意思是“日落时的彩霞中的人”。

    Xiake was an alternate sobriquet given to him by his friend Chen Jiru and it means " one who is in the sunset clouds . "

  23. 《徐霞客游记》的出现,为文史相通,为科学与历史的结合,提供了完美的典范作品。

    The appearance of Travels of XU Xia-ke supplies an example of a combination of liberal arts and history , a combination of science and history .

  24. 徐霞客是中国历史上独具创新精神的一位杰出人物,他为中华民族的创新精神提供了新的内涵。

    XU Xia-ke is an outstanding character with creative spirit in the history of China who has provided new connotations for the creative spirit of Chinese People .

  25. 但徐霞客偏偏没兴趣,有兴趣的是看古今史书,尤其是地方志并遍游名山大川。

    Instead , he de-veloped an interest in historical books , especially such books on different places , and devoted himself to traveling all over the country .

  26. 本文阐述了伟大地理学家徐霞客的思想渊源和纪念他的现实意义,着重探讨了徐霞客对岩溶地貌与历史地理学所作出的杰出贡献。

    This paper elaborates Xu Xiake 's ideological source , and the practical significance in memory of historic Contributions in the fields of karst geomorphology and historical geography .

  27. 徐霞客游历30年,写了60万字的游记。

    Xu Xiake , after 30 years of traveling , wrote many travel diaries on famous mountains and other places , with a total of 600 000 characters .

  28. 受耕读世家的文化熏陶,徐霞客,幼年好学,博览群书,尤钟情于地经图志。

    By the farmer family nurtured the culture , Xu Xiake 's , juvenile studious , Expo Group , especially deeply in love with the land to Records .

  29. 《徐霞客游记》主要记述了他在1613年至1639年游历期间的观察结果,提供了有关地理学、水文学、地质学和植物的详细记录。《徐霞客游记》既是地理名著又是文学佳作。

    The book is mainly about his observation during his travel from 1613 to 1639 and provides detailed records of geography , hydrology , geology , and plants .

  30. 经后人编辑的《徐霞客游记》,不但具有极高的科学价值,而且具有很高的文学价值,被誉为“千古奇书”。

    His travel journal was tom-piled by the later generations into a book called The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake , which is of high scientific and literary value .