
  1. 去年9月,审计与咨询公司德勤会计师事务所(DeloitteToucheTohmatsuLtd.)的中国子公司在其新浪微博的招聘页面上推出了“德勤在线之旅”。

    The China division of auditing and consulting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. last September offered a ' virtual office tour ' on its career page on Sina Corp. 's Weibo , a Twitter-like Web-messaging service .

  2. 德勤中国于2010年在新浪微博推出招聘页面,目前粉丝已经超过48500人。

    Deloitte China 's Weibo career page , launched in 2010 , now has more than 48,500 users following it .

  3. 作为中国最大的第三方支付平台,支付宝的招聘人员在接受《中国青年报》采访时表示,支付宝从2009年就开始尝试在微博上招聘。

    A recruiter for Alipay , China ` s largest third-party online payment service , said that Alipay has been recruiting employees via microblogs since 2009 , according to the China Youth Daily article .

  4. 受微博高效传播信息的启发,企业也开始纷纷在微博上发布招聘信息。

    The rapid spread of information on micro blogs has inspired companies to publish recruitment information there .