
  • 网络DRACO;dracon
  1. 属于或关于德拉古或他残酷的法律的。

    Of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws .

  2. 这套法典有人说是用血写成的,德拉古死后,大部份条文都告撤销。

    Most of Draco 's code , which was said to be written in blood , was repealed after his death .

  3. 贵族德拉古被选为立法者。

    The noble , Dracon , was asked to codify the laws .

  4. 从前,法律并没有正式文字记录,解释可以很宽松;德拉古的法律却见于文字,因此必须严格执行。

    Whereas until that date the law had not been officially recorded and could be interpreted loosely , Draco 's laws were written down and therefore had to be enforced strictly .