
  • 网络dmitry;Dmitri;Demetri
  1. 说来也奇怪,这恰恰是由于智能手机的崛起,Mail.ru集团首席执行官,GrishinRobotics公司创始人,企业家,投资人德米特里o格里辛这样说道。

    Oddly enough , it 's because of the rise of the smartphone , says Dmitry Grishin , an entrepreneur and investor who serves as chief executive of Mail.ru Group and founded Grishin Robotics .

  2. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(DmitryPeskov)昨日对记者表示,俄罗斯对国际体育仲裁庭的裁决表示遗憾。

    Dmitry Peskov , a Kremlin spokesman , told journalists yesterday that Russia regretted the court 's decision .

  3. 人们全搞错了,网络安全公司CrowdStrike的创始人德米特里•阿尔佩罗维奇(DmitriAlperovitch)最近向我表示。

    People have got it all wrong , Dmitri Alperovitch , founder of cyber security group CrowdStrike , recently told me .

  4. 莫斯科卡内基中心主任德米特里•特伦宁(DmitryTrenin)认为,普京时期的俄罗斯外交政策一直过于注重防御性,缺乏主动进攻。

    Dmitry Trenin , head of the Moscow Carnegie Centre , argues that Russian foreign policy under Mr Putin has always been more defensive than offensive .

  5. 今年,透过俄罗斯亿万富翁德米特里·E·雷博洛夫列夫(DmitryE.Rybolovlev)和瑞士商人兼交易商伊夫·布维耶(YvesBouvier)之间的一系列法律纠纷,圈外人看到了艺术界顶层的黑暗。

    This year , outsiders have been given a peek into the murk at the top of the art world courtesy of the continuing legal dispute between the Russian billionaire Dmitry E. Rybolovlev and the Swiss businessman and dealer Yves Bouvier .

  6. 商人德米特里·E·雷博洛夫列夫(DmitryE.Rybolovlev)拥有一批世界上最为值钱的艺术品。上周接受采访时,他说,2013年,他秉承诚信原则买下这两幅画,完全不知道归属权有问题。

    The businessman , Dmitry E. Rybolovlev , owner of one of the world 's most valuable art collections , said in an interview last week that he bought the works in good faith in 2013 , without any hint that there was a question about their title .

  7. 1960年代,一位被派驻纽约的名叫德米特里•波利亚科夫(DmitriPolyakov)的苏联军官要求把他病入膏肓的儿子送到美国寻求一位医生的救治,遭到了莫斯科方面毫不留情的拒绝。

    A Soviet military officer named Dmitri Polyakov , posted to New York in the 1960s , was refused permission by an implacable Moscow to take his fatally ill son to a U.S. doctor .

  8. 网络安全公司CrowdStrike的联合创始人德米特里•阿尔佩罗维奇(DmitriAlperovitch)表示,他看好新的制裁措施,它们将“增加我们的网络对手的成本,建立一个更有效的威慑框架来惩罚那些行为主体。”

    Dmitri Alperovitch , co-founder of cyber security firm CrowdStrike , said he was optimistic the new sanctions would " raise the cost to our cyber adversaries and establish a more effective deterrent framework to punish actors . "

  9. 德米特里蔠利尼琴科(DmitryMelnichenko)打算辞去朝九晚五的稳定工作,在家当一名自由网络开发员的时候,他的妻子有过疑虑:收入来源不稳定,缺乏与同事的互动,而且他们还有个小女儿,这些都是需要考虑的问题。

    Dmitry Melnichenko 's wife had doubts about his plan to quit his stable , nine-to-five job to work from home as a freelance web developer ; there was the uncertain income stream , the lack of interaction with colleagues and their young daughter to think about .

  10. 华盛顿——当名为德米特里•乌克兰斯基(DmitryUkrainsky)的俄罗斯网络犯罪嫌疑人于去年夏天在一个泰国度假小镇被捕时,美国当局原本希望他们可以将他迅速带回纽约进行审判,对俄罗斯计算机黑客团队至少造成短暂的打击。

    WASHINGTON - When a suspected Russian cybercriminal named Dmitry Ukrainsky was arrested in a Thai resort town last summer , the American authorities hoped they could whisk him back to New York for trial and put at least a temporary dent in Russia 's arsenal of computer hackers .

  11. 德米特里和玛利亚·瓦连特二人是夫妻,也都是泰拳高手。

    Dmitry and Maria Valent are masters of Thai boxing and spouses .

  12. 他们走访了不同的体育馆,德米特里还帮助玛利亚准备比赛。

    They visit different gyms but Dmitry helps Maria to prepare for competitions .

  13. 你信得过我去跟德米特里聊聊吗

    Do you trust me talk to Dmitry ?

  14. 帕台农神庙则把德米特里视为妓女之友、诱使雅典女性堕落的罪魁祸首。

    The very Parthenon itself saw Demetrius consorting with harlots and debauching free women of Athens .

  15. 正如德米特里•凯明斯基向美国科技网站Betabeat所解释的那样,机器人在这个过程中不带任何情绪:

    As senior partner Dmitry Kaminskiyexplained to Betabeat , the robot takes emotion out of the process :

  16. 俄国总统德米特里梅得韦杰夫于本周一向一批情报人员颁发了国家最高荣誉奖章。

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded the group of spies the country 's highest state honors on Monday .

  17. 德米特里在学习泰拳之前已经练了几年跆拳道。

    Dmitry had been engaged in Tae Kwon Do for a couple of years before he went in Thai boxing .

  18. 那就是我们要找的德米特里这家伙好像总在等待什么事情发生也许他是在等鬼头

    That 's our Dmitry.Guy always looks like he 's waiting for something to happen.Maybe he 's waiting for Ghovat .

  19. 鬼头在监视他没错鬼头就在这里彼得他在这里他正在监视德米特里

    Ghovat is here . He 's watching him . Ghovat 's here.Peter , he 's here , he 's watching Dmitri right now .

  20. 这是一张德米特里?门捷列夫的画像,他是最早制作,元素周期表的科学家之一。

    So , here we have a picture of Dmitri Mendeleev , who is one of the scientists responsible for first compiling the periodic table .

  21. 德米特里的运动生涯相当成功,如今他是体育与旅游部门的一名教练,还是卫冕世界冠军。

    Dmitry has built asuccessful sports career , today he 's a coach in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and a reigning world champion .

  22. 打搅一下我看你好像在找人需要我帮忙吗这里的人我几乎都认识除了您请问您是我是德米特里你好

    Excuse me.Hi , I saw you looking around , can I help you find someone ? I know almost everybody here.Except for you ... Mr. ..

  23. 上周,总统发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫试图缓解这些担心,他告诉莫斯科的俄罗斯回声电视台,人们不应该担心,普京非常健康。

    Last week , presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov sought to allay questions , telling Russian radio station Echo of Moscow that people should not worry and that Putin was absolutely healthy .

  24. 本文第三部分是对《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》的文本进行深入分析,通过对德米特里、伊凡、阿辽沙三兄弟和孩子们之间关系的解读,一一剖析他们各自的灵魂,揭示他们各自的特质与命运。

    Through interpreting the relationship between the three brothers ( Demetrius , Ivan and Allyson ) and the children , the analysis of their respective spirits is made , and their respective characteristics and fates are revealed .

  25. 创业公司想出各种非常聪明的办法来向投资者推销自己的商业模式,但俄罗斯科技创业家德米特里?伊茨科夫的最新事业本身就是卖点:投资他的研发新项目,回报可能会是获得永生。

    Startups devise some fairly clever tactics to sell investors on their business models , but Russian tech entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov 's newest venture sells itself : Invest in his new research and development interest and the payoff could be immortality .