
  • 网络Bundesbank;deutsche bundesbank
  1. 德意志联邦银行的新总部

    New Headquarters for the Deutsche Bundesbank

  2. 德意志联邦银行看似不可撼动的地位开始削弱了。

    The Bundesbank 's seemingly impregnable position has begun to weaken .

  3. 投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。

    Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank 's action

  4. 此前,欧洲最看好的候选人包括德意志联邦银行前总裁阿克赛尔·韦伯(AxelWeber)和法国财长拉加德(ChristineLagarde)。

    Early European favorites include Axel Weber , the former president of Germany 's Bundesbank and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde .

  5. 欧洲中央银行(EuropeanCentralBank,ECB)的共同货币政策继承了其最优秀的成员国央行–德意志联邦银行(Bundesbank)的衣钵,而且创造了更佳的低通胀纪录。

    The European Central Bank 's ( ECB ) common monetary policy has drawn on the traditions of its best constituent central bank , the Bundesbank-and has produced an even better record of low inflation .

  6. 欧洲单一货币制度导致类似于德意志联邦银行(Bundesbank)的欧洲央行成立,欧洲央行以严密、可预见的方式设定货币政策。

    The institution of a single currency in Europe led to the creation of a Bundesbank-like European Central Bank that then and now sets monetary policy in a rigorous , predictable fashion .

  7. 默克尔还跟德意志联邦银行行长,也是她的前经济顾问,JensWeidmann,保持着联系,即使他曾经反对过默克尔的一些政策。

    Mrs Merkel also stays in touch with the Bundesbank 's president , Jens Weidmann , formerly her economic adviser , even though he has denounced some of the bail-outs she has backed .

  8. 不,这将全然来自德意志联邦银行的黄金。

    Nein , that would amount to taking the Bundesbank 's gold .

  9. 德意志联邦银行将利率下调到七年来最低的3.5%。

    The Bundesbank cut its discount rate 3.5 % , the lowest level in seven years .

  10. 而欧洲央行基本上是建立在德意志联邦银行的模式上,总部亦设在法兰克福。

    Basically , the European Central Bank is based on the pattern of the German Federal Bank , the headquarters is also located in Frankfurt .