
  • 网络Deloitte;Deloitte & Touche;Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu;DTT;ddt
  1. 德勤认为一种新的组织形式正在形成。

    Deloitte argues that a new organisational form is on the rise .

  2. 德勤的报告指出,在他们联系的管理人员中,只有12%觉得他们理解人们在网络中协同工作的方式,只有21%自信他们有组建跨职能团队的能力。

    Deloitte reports that only 12 % of the executives they contacted feel they understand the way people work together in networks and only 21 % feel confident in their ability to build cross-functional teams .

  3. 但是,德勤最新发布的一项名为¨全球人力资本趋势”的研究报告表明,团队合作的热潮已经达到新的高度。这项研究调查了来自130多个国家的7000多名管理者。

    But a new report by Deloitte , " Global Human Capital Trends " , based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries , suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high .

  4. 德勤俱乐部就是这一使命的生动载体。

    The Deloitte Club is an initiative exemplifying this commitment .

  5. 瑞金矿业(RealGoldMining)的德勤审计师也辞任,称这家中国矿产公司未能披露涉及关联方的重要信息。

    It also resigned as auditor of Real Gold Mining , saying that the Chinese miner had failed to disclose material information involving related parties .

  6. 本文作者约翰•哈格尔三世是德勤管理咨询公司董事,在德勤设在硅谷的CenterfortheEdge担任联合董事长。

    John Hagel III , director in Deloitte Consulting LLP , is the co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the edge based in Silicon Valley .

  7. 几周前,德勤(deloitte)则向其美国员工分发了数千本“战略蓝宝书”(thelittlebluebookofstrategy)。

    A couple of weeks ago , Deloitte distributed thousands of copies of the little blue book of strategy to its US employees .

  8. 恩格尔贝特在1986年加入德勤,此前在德勤集团的子公司德勤会计师事务所中担任董事长和CEO。

    Formerly chairman and CEO of the audit subsidiary of Deloitte , Engelbert joined the company in 1986 .

  9. 不仅如此,德勤在卢森堡的合伙公司去年宣布与autonomy开展紧密的合作,推出一款autonomy开发的软件。

    Moreover , Deloitte Luxembourg last year announced a close partnership with autonomy to roll out a piece of autonomy software .

  10. 26岁的帕瑞克从杜克大学(DukeUniversity)毕业后在德勤公司(Deloitte)干了5年的资深咨询师。

    Parikh , then 26 , had spent five years as a senior consultant at Deloitte after graduating from Duke University .

  11. 除了上面提到的公司,德勤(Deloitte)也加入这一行列当中。德勤的CEO已亲自做出承诺。

    Another member , besides the companies above , is Deloitte , whose CEO is committed personally .

  12. 作为专业服务公司德勤集团的新任CEO,恩格尔贝特成为四大会计师事务所中首位美国女性掌门人。

    As the next CEO of professional services firm Deloitte , Engelbert will become the first female U.S. CEO of a Big Four firm .

  13. 德勤中国区招聘总监王文佶(ArthurWang)说,德勤在世界上的其他子公司现在也打算采用类似方法。

    Other Deloitte member firms around the world now plan to adopt similar approaches , said Arthur Wang , Deloitte China recruitment director .

  14. 美国证交会(SEC)于今年5月传唤德勤提交东南融通的审计文件。

    America 's Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) subpoenaed Deloitte 's working papers for the Longtop audit in May .

  15. 长期奖励或许能和业绩更好地关联起来,德勤副合伙人萨利•库珀(SallyCooper)表示。

    Long-term awards may be much better correlated to performance , said Sally Cooper , a Deloitte associate partner .

  16. 你得在中国交税,德勤的另一位税务合伙人李齐文(LeeCheeWing,音译)说。

    You have to pay Chinese tax , says Lee Chee Wing , also a tax partner with Deloitte .

  17. 这不只是德勤的Wall先生说的那种学徒模式一大群高级员工可以帮助培训并激励新手,更重要的是更多的人能得以成功。

    It is not just that a large number of senior people are available to help train and encourage junior ones what Deloitte 's Mr Wall calls an apprentice model but that more people can succeed .

  18. 作为专业服务公司德勤集团的新任CEO,恩格尔贝特成为“四大”会计师事务所中首位美国女性掌门人。

    As the next CEO of professional services firm Deloitte , Engelbert will become the first female U.S. CEO of a " Big Four " firm .

  19. 他以专业服务公司德勤(Deloitte)为例,指出德勤采取了一种创新性的做法。

    He cites Deloitte , the professional services firm , as having an innovative approach .

  20. 德勤计划用AR和VR技术来展示他们在智慧城市、智慧医疗和智慧制造方面提出的解决方案。

    Deloitte is planning to use both augmented and virtual reality to showcase its solutions for smart cities , smart healthcare and smart manufacturing .

  21. 我不清楚德勤现在有多少IPO项目正在进行中,但是我很肯定这些公司正在认真的考虑更换会计师。

    I am not certain what IPOs Deloitte has in the pipeline right now , but I am sure they are seriously considering making a switch .

  22. 德勤咨询公司(DeloitteConsulting)的新兴市场专家戴维•马丁表示:“实际上,并没有所谓的金砖四国”。

    " There is no such thing as BRIC , " says David Martin , an emerging markets specialist with Deloitte Consulting .

  23. 汇丰银行(HSBC)、维珍理财(VirginMoney)和德勤(Deloitte)等私营企业巨头也签署了这一不看职位申请表上的名字的承诺。

    Private sector giants including HSBC , Virgin Money and Deloitte have also signed the new pledge to make most job applications ' name-blind ' .

  24. 以下就是德勤CEO巴里•扎尔茨贝格(BarrySalzberg)对志愿服务价值的看法:作者:BarrySalzberg

    Here 's Deloitte CEO Barry Salzberg 's take on the value of volunteerism :

  25. 该基金形容双方友好地结束了合作关系,并找到一个新的审计事务所:德勤(Deloitte)。

    The fund , which described the parting as amicable , found a new auditor : Deloitte .

  26. 那时,我应刚刚抵达德勤(Deloitte)的伦敦总部,去接受一家一流公司的臭骂。

    I will have just arrived at the London HQ of Deloitte for a state-of-the-art corporate bollocking .

  27. 在德勤(DeloitteConsultingLLP),即将入学的MBA学员可以申请参加一个周末举办的咨询沉浸式活动。这个活动是在商学院开学前一个月举办的。

    At Deloitte Consulting LLP incoming MBAs apply to join a consulting immersion weekend that is held a month before school starts .

  28. 英国和瑞士的监管机构还委派国际审计事务所德勤(deloitte)领导一项独立调查。

    British and Swiss regulators have also appointed the international audit firm Deloitte to head an independent investigation .

  29. 去年,AdobeSystems登上了安德森MBA毕业生雇主榜的榜首,将美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)和德勤(Deloitte)推后至第二、三位。

    Adobe Systems took the lion 's share of Anderson MBA graduates last year , pushing Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Deloitte into second and third place respectively .

  30. 惠普表示,德勤(deloitte)和毕马威(kpmg)在做尽职调查时没有提出警告。

    HP said no red flags were raised when due diligence was carried out by Deloitte and KPMG .