
  • 网络German dialects
  1. 阿勒曼尼语的与阿勒曼尼高地德语方言有关的吉曼尼阿锌基轴承合金

    Of or relating to the Alemannic dialects of High German . Germania bearing alloy

  2. 宾夕法尼亚和马里兰州人所说的德语的一种方言。

    A dialect of High German spoken in parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland .

  3. 德语的一种方言包括一些希伯来语和其它单词;被欧洲犹太人用做一种方言。

    A dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words ; spoken as a vernacular by European jews .

  4. 在书写与口头表达形式上它与标准德语很有不同,同德语其它方言也不同。

    It is quite different from standard German in both its written and spoken forms , and also differs from other German dialects .