
xīn lǐ wèi shēnɡ
  • Mental health;mental hygiene;psychophylaxis
  1. 受雇于纽约市健康与心理卫生部(NewYorkCityDepartmentofHealthandMentalHygiene)后,他被任命为首席调查官,负责调查西尼罗病毒爆发的原因。

    Hired by the New York City Department of health and mental hygiene , he got named lead investigator in the West Nile virus outbreak .

  2. 纽约健康心理卫生部门在其网站上解释称,在野生环境中,蟑螂是食腐动物,会携带各种细菌有机体,比如在爬过腐烂变质的食物时带上沙门氏菌。

    In the wild , cockroaches are scavengers that pick up various bacterial organisms such as salmonella while walking through spoiled food , the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene explains on its website .

  3. 10月10日是世界心理卫生日(WorldMentalHealthDay,又译为世界精神卫生日)。

    Sunday , October tenth , is World Mental Health Day .

  4. 专业人员的心理卫生健康水平低于其他职业老年人(P<0.01)。

    Psychologically , the professionals ' health level was lower than other groups ( P < 0 01 ) .

  5. Logistic回归分析表明,性别、婚姻状况对教师心理卫生水平有较大的影响。

    Logistic regression analysis indicated that genders and marriage condition influenced teachers ' mental health .

  6. 目的研究分析即将赴SARS一线医务人员的心理卫生状况。

    Objective To investigate mental health status of hospital staff entering SARS wards .

  7. 职业人群心理卫生状况的Meta分析

    Meta - analysis on the mental state of occupational people

  8. 方法:运用心理卫生自评量表(SCL-90)及学业成就动机量表对532名学生进行了测查。

    Method : 532 undergraduates completed SCL-90 and Academic Achievement Motive Scale .

  9. 目的探讨儿童品行障碍(CD)的心理卫生状况及其心理社会综合干预的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the mental health status and the effect of the integrative psychosocial treatment on childhood conduct disorder ( CD ) .

  10. 结论多动行为偏异儿童血5-HT含量明显降低,心理卫生偏异内向型组血5-HT含量明显升高。

    Conclusion The level of 5-HT in serum is related to the type of children with psychophylaxis deviation .

  11. 方法采用SCL&90、SAS、SDS对考试期间医学生的心理卫生状况进行调查。

    Methods Using SCL-90 , SAS , SDS to evaluate the mental health states of medical students during test period .

  12. 女性VDT作业人员心理卫生状况研究

    Study of psychological states of female VDT operators

  13. 目的了解围绝经期综合症(PMS)妇女的心理卫生水平及影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the psychohygiene level of Prei-menopausal tension syndrome ( PMS ) women and the influential factors .

  14. 为探讨离退休职工心理卫生状况及其影响因素,采用SCL-90症状自评量表对成都市202名离退休职工进行了心理卫生调查。

    An investigation on psychological status and influential factors of 202 retired employees was carried out in Chengdu city using symptom check list 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  15. 目的:探讨SOS儿童村儿童的自我意识状况和人格特征,为其心理卫生保健提供理论依据。

    Objective : To study the self-concept and personality of children in the SOS children village to provide theoretical evidence for their mental health .

  16. 方法采用心理卫生自评量表(SCL-90)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)对40例IBS患者进行了调查。

    METHODS : Forty patients with IBS were assessed with Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ), self-rating depression scale ( SDS ) and self-rating anxiety scale ( SAS ) .

  17. 通过对在校大学生的自评问卷(SCL-90)调查,发现大学生的心理卫生问题明显高于正常成人。

    The investigation was carried out in college students by SCL 90.It showed that the mental health question in college students was more severe than that in normal persons .

  18. 新兵全副武装5km越野训练干预前后心理卫生状况分析

    Mental Health Analysis on the Influence of Intervention on Recruits Loaded with Arms during 5 km 's Field Training

  19. 结论心理卫生课程教育可以影响大学生SCL-90评分,提示心理卫生课程教育可以作为高校心理辅导重要形式之一。

    Conclusion Mental health education as a course can influence university students ' SCL-90 scores . Therefore , mental health education can be one of the important mental counseling form in colleges and universities .

  20. 目的:探讨非特殊军事训练伤对男兵EQ的影响,为心理卫生保健提供依据。

    Objective : To study the effect of non special military training related injury on men soldiers , EQ , so as to provide a base for health care in psychohygiene .

  21. 采用Achenbach儿重行为量表测定幼儿的心理卫生状况,并与有关常模进行比较。

    Achenbach child behavior scale was used to determine infant 's mental health status , then comparing the result with other related study 's.

  22. 本研究采用《心理卫生症状自评量表SCL-90》和《内控性、有势力他人和机遇量表》对300名大学生进行测试,探讨大学生心理健康与心理控制感的关系。

    This research measured 300 undergraduates and probed into the relationship between their mental health and psychological control by means of Symptom Check List 90 ( SCL-90 ) and Internality , Powerful Others , and Chance Scale .

  23. 随着国外对PTSD的深入研究以及中国心理卫生事业的发展,相关领域的学者开始从事这一方面的研究并取得了不少成就。

    With progressively deeper research on PTSD in foreign countries and rapid development of mental health field in China , some scholars begin to conduct research into this field in China , and gain considerable achievements .

  24. 方法:采用自编儿童心理卫生状况评定量表及90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)对52例血液肿瘤儿童及其家长和48例健康儿童及其家长进行心理测试;

    Methods : The psychological status of 52 children with hematological tumor and their parents , and 48 healthy children and their parents were measured by means of the self-compiled psychological status scale and the symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  25. 地点和对象:将南京脑科医院儿童心理卫生门诊符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版标准的30例ADHD儿童作为研究对象。

    SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : A total of 30 ADHD children who accorded with the diagnostic criteria of American Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Statistic Manuel ( fourth edition ) were selected for the study from Children 's Mental Health Clinic of Nanjing Brain Hospital .

  26. 本文采用国际上通用的心理卫生测量工具,选择了Zung氏焦虑自评量表,对入学4~6周的医科新生焦虑症状进行了调查研究。

    Using mental hygiene measuring instruments which are in common used by internation , we chose zung anxiety self-appraise measuring form investigating and studying anxiety symptom on medical freshmen after they entered school 4 to 6 weeks .

  27. 方法采用普通健康问卷及Mclean蒺s职业紧张问卷,调查广州市13所医院2945名护士的心理卫生及职业紧张现状。

    Methods Mental hygiene and work stress factors were surveyed among 2 945 nurses in 13 hospitals in Guangzhou by using general health questionnaire ( GHQ-12 ) and Mclean 's work stress questionnaire ( MWSQ ) .

  28. 采用(SCL-90)症状自评量表对350名大学生的心理卫生状况进行了测定,然后对126名有心理障碍的患者进行了80.8神经类型量表的测试鉴定,并对研究结果进行了分析。

    The psychological hygiene condition of 350 students has been surveyed by adopting ( SCL - 90 ) symptomatic self-evaluating list . 126 students who have psychological block have been tested and appraised with the 80.8 nerve type list and the results of the research are analysed in this paper .

  29. 影响因素包括一般状况和心理卫生状况。

    The influencing factors included general status and psychological health status .

  30. 《心理卫生》网络学习社区的重建

    The Thinking of 《 Mental Hygiene 》 Network Learning Community Reconstruction