
  1. 但按照RichardD.Ginsburg博士的说法,作为麻州综合医院的一个临床心理学家和运动学心理顾问,他认为职业球员的愤怒是被高压逼出来的。

    But according to Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg , a clinical psychologist and sports psychology consultant for Massachusetts General Hospital , the tantrums of professional players are often made of stronger stuff .

  2. 学校的心理顾问要见你。

    The school counselor would like to see you .

  3. 由于为自己的孤立感感到烦恼,他向心理顾问寻求帮助。

    Agonised by his sense of isolation , he turned to a counsellor for help .

  4. 珊当上了小学里的心理顾问,她很乐于投入工作。

    Sandy began a job as an elementary school counselor and she was eager to help .

  5. 武汉某咨询中心的心理顾问李淑娟(音译)认为,学生们的压力过大了。

    Li Shujuan , a psychology consultant at a Wuhan-based consultation center , thinks that students over-extend themselves .

  6. 经常和亲近的朋友、家人、心理顾问或是心理教练聊聊最近发生了什么。

    Talk with close friends and family , a counselor or a coach about what is going on .

  7. 这并不意味着雇主必须要成为心理顾问,不过纳什坚定地认为,雇主要能观察员工。

    This does not mean employers must become counsellors but they need to be able to monitor staff , insists Ms Nash .

  8. 我大声嚷道,我要你们最好的心理顾问,多贵都不要紧!

    The operator answered . I yelled , give me your best psychic ! I don 't care what the cost is !

  9. 如果你觉得自己大多数时间都处于发怒的状态中或者在控制情绪方面有困难,那么可以和医生或者心理顾问多交流下。

    If you feel like you 're angry a lot of the time or are having trouble controlling your anger , talk to a doctor or counselor .

  10. 越来越多的专家(包括精神治疗医师、心理顾问、社会工作者等等)。已开始在其著作中论述金钱以其急秘的方式对很多人所起的作用&好的作用和坏的作用。

    More and more professionals_psychotherapists , counselors , social workers and others_have begun to address in their work the hidden ways that money works for , and against , many people .

  11. 你干嘛要去做一个心理指导顾问?

    So why do you make as much as a guidance counselor ?

  12. 根据某些心理咨询顾问的观点,迷恋工作对我们来说既是好事,又是坏事。

    According to some psychology counselors , workaholism can be both good and bad for us .

  13. 做了多年的心理压力顾问,我见到的最普遍的,最具破坏性的心理顾问之一就是:我们关注自己想要得到的,而不是自己已经拥有的。

    As a stress consultant for many years , one of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies I 've seen is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have .

  14. 来自北京的知名教育心理专家兼顾问温方(音译)建议学生不要被那些有关就业市场不景气的调查与报道所误导。

    Wen Fang , a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing , advises students not to be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market .

  15. 建议提高中学心理辅导老师在学校中的地位。教师是学生的心理顾问:教师是课程的建设者和开发者和教师是学者居中。

    " teacher as researcher on education and teaching " " teacher as student 's mental counselor " " teacher as designer and developer in curriculum " " teacher as scholar " are in the middle .