
  • 网络Applied Social Psychology;Journal of Applied Social Psychology
  1. 这项发表在《应用社会心理学杂志》上的研究涉及了两个实验。

    The research , published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology , involved two experiments .

  2. 基础与应用社会心理学

    Basic and Applied Social Psychology

  3. 这一发表在《应用社会心理学杂志》上的研究的第一部分让72个人参加求职,并将过程拍成录像。

    The study , which appears in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology , first involved 72 people being videotaped as job applicants .

  4. 目的与行为的解释与预测:我们做得如何?应用社会心理学杂志,281318–1339。

    Sutton , S. ( 1998 ) . Explaining and predicting intentions and behavior : How well are we doing ? Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 28,1318 – 1339 .

  5. 这项研究由圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的心理学教授克莉丝汀.哈里斯以及研究生妮可.亨尼希共同实施执行,并发表在《基础研究和应用社会心理学》这份期刊上。

    The research was carried out by psychology professor Christine Harris and graduate student Nicole Henniger from the University of California , San Diego and is published in the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology .

  6. 2006年《应用社会心理学杂志》发布的一篇研究发现被试更愿意把优越的职位提供给化过妆的女性而非那些未施粉黛的。

    A 2006 study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that participants were more likely to award " prestigious jobs " to women who used makeup than to the same women when their faces were unadorned .

  7. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  8. 国外研究多将交互应用于社会心理学、国际关系学和人类学。

    Researches on reciprocity abroad have been done in the fields of social psychology , international relations and anthropology .

  9. 这一新方法可以应用到社会心理学的人际关系和小群体研究中,但也有过于复杂、不易操作的不足与局限。

    This method can be applied to the study of the interpersonal relations and small group in social psychology , though it has the weakness of being too complicated and difficult to operate .