
  1. 单是访问图书馆的这一行为本身就能让人产生一种群体归属感。

    And the sheer act of visiting libraries creates a sense of community .

  2. 分散于网络中的网民因群体归属感而具有了群体模仿、群体感染等群体心理。

    Netizens scattered on the internet have mentality of collective imitation and collective infection .

  3. 一直以来由于导师负责制的影响及研究生个体化培养的特点,研究生有强烈的专业归属感,却缺乏群体归属感。

    Because of tutorial system and individual training , graduate students have a strong professional sense of belonging , but lack of group sense of belonging .

  4. 这二者形成的机制都具有满足员工的某种需要,需要的满足带来积极的心理状态,从而增加员工对组织群体的归属感。

    This formation mechanism between the two employees have to meet certain needs , to meet the needs of a positive state of mind , thereby increasing the sense of belonging to the organization and employee groups .

  5. 二是归属和爱的需要,一方面网民的攻击是为了获得在网络中群体的归属感,另一方面是为了挽回在现实中被剥夺的归属和爱,从而发出攻击行为。

    The second is the need for ownership and love . One hand , attacking Internet users in the network group in order to obtain a sense of belonging , on the other hand , in order to restoring the ownership and love which were deprived in reality .

  6. 这源于人们群体感和归属感的本性。

    It stems from a deeply-rooted human need for community and belonging .

  7. 人们基本都有归属于一定群体的需要,归属感的需要一般在青少年时期变得更为突显。

    Basically , people have the need of belonging to certain group , which generally becomes increasingly obvious in adolescence .

  8. 对于还未进入社会的大学生群体来说,他们往往会通过消费这一方式来建构自我认同感和群体归属感,因此,消费认同对大学生的消费行为具有一定程度的推动作用。

    For college students , they often by the consumer to construct self-identity and group sense of belonging . Therefore , consumer identity on consumer behavior of college students have a certain role .