
hū bì liè
  • Kublai khan;Kublai, the fifth emperor of the Yuan Dynasty
忽必烈[hū bì liè]
  1. 马可波罗在那里为中国的皇帝忽必烈工作。

    While he was there , Marco Polo worked for Kublai Khan , the emperor of China .

  2. 他在日记中写道:"忽必烈的宫殿是我见过的最伟大的宫殿。"

    In his diary , he wrote , " Kublai Khan 's palace is the greatest I 've ever seen . "

  3. C•S•刘易斯曾经声称,《忽必烈汗》一诗的首行字句曾经给予他一种难以抑制而又欣喜异常的渴望。

    C. S. Lewis once claimed that the opening lines of Kubla Khan filled him with an unquenchable but rapturous yearning .

  4. 然而,试图建立这种关系是支流回绝,并考察日本(两次),缅甸,越南戴(两次在忽必烈的统治),和Java,将所有的更新失败。

    However , the attempts to establish such tributary relationships were rebuffedand expeditions to Japan ( twice ), Myanmar , Dai Viet ( twice duringKublai 's rule ), and Java , would all later fail .

  5. 在Netflix即将上映的原创新剧《马可·波罗》(MarcoPolo)第一集中,蒙古大汗忽必烈坐在镀金宫殿的王座之上,为不断扩张的帝国制定未来的征服计划。

    In the first episode of " Marco Polo , " Netflix 's coming original series , the Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan sits on a throne in his gilded palace and plots the future conquests of his growing empire .

  6. 正如忽必烈汗在13世纪建立帝国时的情形,Netflix要想在21世纪完成征服世界的任务,也需要进行一系列苦战,同样也面临着巨大的文化差异、强大的竞争对手与高昂的花费,当然还有其他种种挑战。

    As was the case with Kublai Khan 's 13th-century empire building , Netflix 's 21st-century mission will involve a series of battles as the company encounters vast cultural differences , fierce rivals and high costs , among other challenges .

  7. 忽必烈留下一块具有意义的石碑在这里歌颂自己的胜利。

    He left a memorial tablet here to mark his victory .

  8. 忽必烈于他,直到他死囚犯两年后。

    Kublai held him prisoner until he died two years later .

  9. 然后,他自己称帝,攻打忽必烈。

    Then , proclaiming himself emperor , he attacked kublai .

  10. 由于忽必烈逐渐老迈,他们担心自己的安危。

    As Kublai Khan grew older , they feared for their safety .

  11. 至忽必烈在中原大地建立了蒙元王朝。

    Khubilai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in Central Plains .

  12. 这成为最早结束忽必烈的统治地位。

    This emerged as early as the end of Kublai 's reign .

  13. 许多改革期间作了忽必烈的统治地位。

    Many reforms were made during Kublai Khan 's reign .

  14. 1260年的今天,忽必烈成为蒙古帝国的统治者(蒙古大汗)。

    Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire .

  15. 马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。

    Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache .

  16. 从忽必烈对儒人儒学的态度看元初杂剧中的士人形象

    Kublai Khan 's attitude to Confucian scholars and their images in Yuan Zaju

  17. 一个优美而机智的整一:生态视野中的忽必烈汗

    One Graceful and Intelligent Whole : " Kubla Khan " from Ecological Perspective

  18. 忽必烈汗在北京,他们受到了盛情款待。

    At Peking was the Great Khan , and they were hospitably entertained .

  19. 伟大的可汗忽必烈曾经欢迎马可波罗来到中国

    the mighty Kubla Khan welcomed Marco Polo to China

  20. 大理王国后来被忽必烈率领的蒙古族和汉族军队攻破。

    The kingdom was conquered by the Mongol and Chinese armies of Kublai Khan .

  21. 你熟悉《忽必烈汗》这首诗吗?

    Do you know the poem'kubla khan ' ?

  22. 不过他仍然是蒙古和突厥斯坦的首领,死于忽必烈之后。

    However , he remained master of Mongolia and Turkestan , and outlived Kublai .

  23. 自忽必烈大汗之时起,北京便声蜚于西方。

    From the times of Kublai Khan , Peking was known to the West .

  24. 试论忽必烈“拯民者莫如实惠”的道德实践活动

    Khubilai 's moral practice of " saving people and giving them material benefits "

  25. 忽必烈汗热烈欢迎马可父子二人。

    Kublai Khan welcomed Marco and his father .

  26. 他仿效忽必烈汗献身成佛的办法,希望取得类似的权力。

    By imitation of Kublai Khan 's dedication he hoped to develop similar powers .

  27. 对忽必烈来说,这一点是显而易见的。

    This must have been apparent to kublai .

  28. 他们访问过震旦,并且成为蒙古大帝忽必烈的朋友。

    They visited Cathay and became friends with Kublai khan , the great Mongol emperor .

  29. 至元世祖忽必烈实现中国的大一统之后,蒙古民族的服饰又有了新的发展与变化。

    After Hub lie united China , Mongolian costume had a new development and change .

  30. 元世祖忽必烈草原领地考

    Research on the Prairie Domain of Kublai