
  • 网络skeptic;skeptical;Sceptic
  1. 目前尚无研究证实两者之间存在必然的关联,但是这并没有打消某些著名的怀疑论者的疑虑,英国的精神病学家戴维·希利博士(DavidHealy)正是其中之一。

    No definite link was confirmed , but that did not end the concern of some prominent skeptics , like a British psychiatrist , Dr. David Healy .

  2. 亚投行应当迅速行动起来,证明怀疑论者的观点是错的。

    The new bank should move quickly to prove skeptics wrong .

  3. 你或许是个怀疑论者,会把它归因于生活的不公正。

    You may be a sceptic and put it down to life 's inequalities .

  4. 过去10年的经验表明,忠诚对于欧盟怀疑论者而言是单向的,他们仅会索取不会给予。

    The experience of the last 10 years has shown that , for the Eurosceptics , loyalty is a one-way street ; something you demand but do not give

  5. 不可知论者即是怀疑论者。

    An agnostic is a doubter .

  6. 她是全球变暖危险的怀疑论者。

    She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming .

  7. 我将如何使怀疑论者确信她应该关注我的研究呢?

    How am I going to convince this skeptic that she should attention to my research ?

  8. 参与研究的科学家们认为,这些新发现推翻了气候变化怀疑论者为解释气温上升而提出的许多理论,包括太阳活动的变化。

    The scientists involved argue that the new findings debunk4 many theories put forward by climate sceptics to explain the rise in temperatures , including variations in solar activity .

  9. 我还记得我对Java和XML的成功曾经是一个怀疑论者。

    I remember being a skeptic about the success of Java and XML .

  10. 新首相是一位诚挚的欧洲怀疑论者,尽管不像其外交大臣威廉黑格(WilliamHague)那么强烈。

    The prime minister is a heartfelt eurosceptic though not quite as viscerally so as his foreign secretary William Hague .

  11. 怀疑论者会提到“泰国巨石阵”——这里指的是一些矗立的混凝土柱子,连绵数公里排开,原本是用来修建通往廊曼国际机场(DonMuangInternationalAirport)的高架轨道线,后来项目被放弃了。

    Sceptics will point to " Thai Stonehenge , " several kilometres of concrete pillars intended for an abandoned elevated train to Don Muang International Airport .

  12. 鉴于大多数科学家都认为必须解决全球变暖问题,ipcc不应指望能让最极端的“气候怀疑论者”都感到满意。

    Given that most scientists believe in the need to tackle global warming , the IPCC cannot hope to satisfy the most extreme " climate sceptics " .

  13. 怀疑论者曾预测,第一季度过后,为ficc收入提供动力的不寻常环境不会持续下去。

    Sceptics had predicted that after the first-quarter results the unusual conditions that powered ficc revenues would not last .

  14. 因此怀疑论者和博客作者如今正在以空前的方式仔细检查IPCC报告的其他章节,从而发现声明和主张不准确或证据不实的进一步证据。

    So sceptics and bloggers are now scrutinising other chapters in the IPCC report as never before to find further evidence of inaccurate or poorly warranted statements and claims .

  15. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会最好将科学留给科学家处理。

    US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum , a Catholic and climate change sceptic , has said the Church would be better off leaving science to the scientists .

  16. 尽管构建精确的反设事实(counterfactual)是不可能的,但极有可能的结果是,美联储和英国央行是正确的,而欧洲央行和日本央行内的怀疑论者错了。

    While constructing precise counterfactuals is impossible , it is overwhelmingly likely that the Fed and BoE were right and sceptics at the ECB and the BoJ are wrong .

  17. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会“最好将科学留给科学家处理”。

    US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum , a Catholic and climate change sceptic , has said the Church would be " better off leaving science to the scientists . "

  18. 伦敦证交所(LSE)报告称,其第一季度的收入增长了8%,并称该业绩证明其商业模式在严酷交易环境下的弹性。这一报告对怀疑论者进行了有力的回击。

    The London Stock Exchange confounded sceptics as it reported an 8 per cent rise in revenues for its first quarter , saying the result proved the resilience of its business model amid torrid trading conditions .

  19. 有些怀疑论者认为这种观点多少有些可笑。

    Some sceptics regarded this as a bit of a joke .

  20. 或许他是一名气候变化怀疑论者我也不清楚。

    Perhaps he is a climate sceptic I have no idea .

  21. 西方的怀疑论者称这些都是骗局。

    Out of smoke and mirrors , say some Western sceptics .

  22. 对欧洲怀疑论者而言,抨击奥巴马是一种软弱而无理的回应。

    Obama-bashing is a feeble and petulant response for the eurosceptics .

  23. 怀疑论者认为,互联网并无让人上瘾的特性。

    Sceptics say there is nothing uniquely addictive about the internet .

  24. 怀疑论者可能不停地在寻找证据。

    It 's possible the skeptics are looking for the wrong evidence .

  25. 他或许会让怀疑论者的愿望落空,但我仍坚持对他的怀疑。

    He may defy the sceptics but I remain one of them .

  26. 一些怀疑论者认为,这些各式各样的提案只不过是政治姿态。

    Some sceptics dismiss the various proposals as political posturing .

  27. 作为怀疑论者的奥克肖特对政治理性主义的三个命题提出了质疑。

    Oakeshott , as a skeptic questioned the three propositions of political rationalism .

  28. 但我们证明了怀疑论者的错误,从中汲取了一些基本的经验。

    But we proved the skeptics wrong , and learned some fundamental lessons .

  29. 即使在云采纳者当中,IT决策者也承认曾经是怀疑论者。

    Even among cloud adopters , IT decision makers admit to having been skeptics .

  30. 我们要么尽快行动,要么等着最终揭开怀疑论者正确与否的谜底。

    Either we act soon or we finally discover whether the sceptics are right .