
  • 网络Acute fever;febrile seizures;febris acuta
  1. 急性发热性嗜中性皮肤病(Sweet综合征)伴结节性红斑和前巩膜炎1例报道

    Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis ( Sweet 's syndrome ) with erythema nodosum and anterior scleritis . A case report

  2. 急性发热起病,热程7~11d。

    The fever lasted for 7 to 11 days .

  3. 目的:探讨急性发热性皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征(MCLS)的超声诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the significance of ultrasound in diagnosis of acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome ( MCLS ) .

  4. 她于5月6日在Luwero区Zirobwe镇的一家私人诊所求医,当时已连续5天急性发热且伴有出血症状。

    On6 May she presented to a private clinic in Zirobwe town , Luwero district , with a5-day history of an acute febrile illness with haemorrhagic manifestations .

  5. 20例急性发热性嗜中性皮病临床病理分析

    A clinicopathologic analysis of 20 cases of acute febrile neutrophilic Dermatosis

  6. 烧伤急性发热的整体论与处理对策

    A Whole-body View on and Countermeasures for Acute Fever of Burn

  7. 流行性感冒,是一种具有高度传染性的急性发热性呼吸道疾病。

    Influenza is an acute febrile respiratory infectious disease .

  8. 马尔堡出血热是一种急性发热性疾病,伴有严重出血表现。

    Marburg virus disease is an acute febrile illness accompanied by severe haemorrhagic manifestations .

  9. 皮下型急性发热性嗜中性皮肤病1例

    A case of subcutaneous acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis

  10. 其主要临床表现为急性发热、腹泻、呕吐、脱水、酸中毒。

    The chief clinical manifestations were acute fever , diarrhea , vomiting , dehydration , acidosis .

  11. 如颅脑外伤、急性发热性疾病、妊娠期或月经期等。

    Like skull head traumatic , acute gives out heat sexual disease , gestation orMenstruationPeriod wait .

  12. 急性发热性中性白细胞增多性皮病

    Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis

  13. 解卫清气注射液对急性发热证的临床观察及实验研究

    Clinical observation and experimental study of the Jie Wei Qing Qi injection in the treatment of acute fever

  14. 主要临床表现有急性发热、呕吐、腹泻、血便、腹痛和腹胀。

    The main symptoms and signs included acute onset of high fever , vomiting , diarrhea , bloody stool , abdominal pain and distention .

  15. 目的:探讨清开灵软胶囊对急性发热的疗效,及其证效关系。

    Objective : To discuss the efficacy of Qingkailing soft capsules in treating acute fever , and the relationship between symptoms-effect and time effect .

  16. 分析报告1例以急性发热性嗜中性皮病皮疹为表现的白塞病。

    We reported a case of Behcet 's Disease with the manifestations of Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis , in which Sweet 's-like lesions , oral aphthae and arthritis occured .

  17. 我们用自拟解卫清气注射液,临床观察61例急性发热患者,总有效率达95.08%。

    Clinical observation of 61 patients with acute fever treated with the Jie Wei Qing Qi Injection prepared by our laboratory showed that its effective rate amounted to 95.08 % .

  18. 气肿疽(Clostridiumchauvoei)又称黑腿病,是由气肿疽梭菌引起的反刍动物的急性、发热性传染病。

    Also known as Blackleg , emphysematous carbuncle is acute , a febrile infectious diseases of ruminant animals which caused by Clostridium chauvoei .

  19. 应用血清降钙素原浓度指导抗生素治疗急性脑梗死发热的效果分析

    The value of serum procalcitonin in treatment of pyrexia after acute cerebral infarction

  20. 急性白血病发热病人的中西医结合护理

    The integrated chinese traditional and western medical care for the pyretic patient with acute leukaemia

  21. 结果感染患者共71例,急性脑梗死发热率为23.7%;

    Results 71 patients had fever in early period of an acute cerebral infarction ( 23.7 % ) .

  22. 结果:AP与急性呼吸道感染发热患者相比,AP一般没有呼吸道的卡他症状,即鼻塞、流涕等(P<0.001);

    Result : Compared to ARI , AP haven 't respiration catarrh symptom such as nasal obstruction , running , and so on ( P < 0.001 ) .

  23. 小儿急性感染性发热起始时间与病原的关系

    The Relationship between BTF of Acute Children Infection and Pathogenic Microorganism

  24. 临床表现:急性起病、发热、头痛、抽搐、精神异常、意识障碍,脑电图异常及相应的脑脊液的变化等。

    Clinical performance : acute onset , fever , headache , twitch , conscious disturbance , EEG abnormal and corresponding CSF abnormal .

  25. 目的:探讨不同病原微生物的急性感染对小儿发热起始时间(beginningtimeoffever,BTF)的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effects of acute infection from different microorganism on the beginning time of fever in children .

  26. 结论:IL-6可作为早期预测感染的敏感指标,检测IL-6将有助于对急性白血病化疗后发热原因的判断。

    Conclusion : IL 6 is an earlier and more sensitive indicator than CRP in detecting infection in neutropenic febrile patients with acute leukemia . The measurement of IL 6 level should be useful in the assessment of fever in these patients .

  27. 结论:清开灵软胶囊是治疗急性上呼吸道感染发热疗效显著且副作用小的药品。

    Conclusion : Qingkailing soft capsules showed good result in the treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infection with less adverse effect .

  28. 结果急性期表现为发热、咳嗽、胸闷、气急,慢性期表现为咳嗽和肺功能减退。

    Result The acute manifestation was fever 、 cough 、 dyspnea , and the chronic manifestation was cough and insufficiency of pulmonary function .

  29. 上尿路感染或急性肾盂肾炎经常出现发热、寒颤、腰部疼痛和不同程度尿痛、尿急和尿频。

    Upper UTI or acute pyelonephritis often presents with fever , chills , flank pain , and varying degrees of dysuria , urgency , and frequency .

  30. 急性期并发症、发热与脑梗死后认知障碍相关,长期饮酒影响脑梗死后认知功能,高龄是脑梗死后认知障碍的独立危险因素。

    Fever and chronic drinking is correlated with the incidence of cognitive deficit . Age is an independent risk factor of cognitive deficit associated with cerebral infarction .