
  • 网络General ledger;general ledger account;general account
  1. 每个子目下又设若干三级细目,并设置相应的总分类账户和明细分类账户。

    Each item and provided with a plurality of three stage breakdown , and set corresponding to the general ledger and subsidiary ledger account .

  2. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类账户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细账户。

    A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger accounts receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer .

  3. 在总分类账中,账户的排序最好与资产负债表和收益表的排序一样。

    In the general ledger , it is desirable to have the accounts in the same sequence as in the balance sheet and income statement .