
zǒng jié miàn
  • total cross section
总截面[zǒng jié miàn]
  1. 天然Fe,Al中子总截面实验编评

    The evaluation of neutron total cross section for natural iron and aluminium

  2. ~(10)B(n,α)~7Li反应角分布和总截面测量

    Angular distribution and total cross section measurements of ~ ( 10 ) B ( n ,α) ~ 7Li reaction

  3. 此外,还简要讨论了Fe和Al两种核素的中子总截面共振结构问题。

    The resonance structures were briefly discussed for both Fe and Al .

  4. 质子滴线核~(12)N在~(28)Si靶上的核反应总截面测量

    Measurement of total reaction cross section for exotic light proton-rich nucleus ~ ( 12 ) n

  5. 丰中子核~6He在~(28)Si靶上的反应总截面测量

    Measurement of Total Reaction Cross Section of ~ 6He on ~ ( 28 ) Si

  6. 应用透射法对中能区F同位素与C靶的反应总截面进行了测量。

    The reaction cross sections σ R of F isotopes on carbon target were measured at intermediate energies via the transmission method .

  7. F同位素的反应总截面测量和~(17)F可能的质子皮结构

    Measurements of Reaction Cross Section for F Isotopes and Possible Proton Skin Structure for ~ ( 17 ) F

  8. 电子被HF和HCl分子散射总截面的计算

    Total cross section for electron scattering by HF and HCl

  9. 10~3000eV下电子被分子N2O、NO2及CO2散射总截面的计算

    Total cross sections for electron scattering by polyatomic molecules ( N_2O , NO_2 and CO_2 ) at 10 ~ 3000 eV

  10. 能量修正的Glauber模型对中能反应总截面的影响

    Influence of Energy-Modified Glauber Model on Total Reaction Cross Section at Intermediate-Energy

  11. 研究了e+e-实验中ψ(2S)能区连续态单光子湮没过程的截面对观测总截面的贡献。

    The continuum one-photon annihilation at ψ( 2S ) in e + e - experiment is studied .

  12. 本文在Δ(33)准门口态模型近似下,计算了(3.3)共振区的π~&~(12)C弹性散射的T矩阵,着重分析了模型参数的变化对角分布、总截面的影响。

    Under the quasi - Δ _ ( 33 ) doorway state model , The T matrix for π - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic scattering at the ( 3,3 ) resonance region is calculated .

  13. 利用改进的Glauber模型对非奇异核核反应总截面数据的拟合

    Fitting the data of non-exotic structural nuclear total reaction cross section with a corrected Glauber model

  14. 200AGev硫核及其重碎片与铜核作用的电荷改变总截面的测量

    Measurement of Charge Changing Cross Sections of 200A GeV S and Fragments with Cu Target

  15. 首先强调了在高能强作用软(高强软)过程,特别是在强子散射总截面中,单由Pomeron(IP)交换就渐进地饱和了幺正性条件这件事的重要性。

    In this paper we first emphasize the importance of the Pomeron ( IP ) for its asymptotically saturation of the unitarity condition alone .

  16. 对慢电子与Kr、Xe和Rn的弹性散射总截面、动量转移截面和微分散射截面进行了计算。

    Employing partial wave method the elastic total , momentum transfer and differential cross sections have been calculated for Kr , Xe and Rn atoms .

  17. 本文利用MonteCarlo方法和修改了的原子散射总截面公式,计算了在合金中产生X射线的深度分布φ(ρz),并用于电子探针定量分析。

    The depth distribution of X-ray production Φ(ρ z ) in some alloys was computed by means of Monte Carlo method and the modified expression of the total scattering cross-section and used for quantitative electron probe microanalysis .

  18. 我们还讨论了在GLC的亮度监测范围内树图及一圈修正后的总截面随质心能量的变化关系。

    We discussed the relations between the cross-sections in tree level ( and one-loop corrected cross sections ) and center-mass energy in the luminosity measuring ranges of GLC .

  19. 通过对计算核反应总截面的Glauber模型加入有限程修正,并对输入的核物质密度分布采用双参数的费米密度分布形式。

    In this work the finite range correction has been added to the Glauber model , and a Fermi density distribution with two parameters has been chosen as the input density distribution of the nucleus .

  20. 然后采用量子密耦(Close-Coupling)方法分别计算了He-HF碰撞体系在五种不同势能模型下的微分散射截面、分波散射截面和总截面,并对计算结果进行了详细的比较和分析。

    The differential , partial and total scattering cross sections for collisions between He atoms and HF molecules have been calculated respectively by using the quantum close-coupling method at five different potential models , and the calculated results have been compared and analysed in detail .

  21. 我们提出了一个可加性规则的半经验公式,并且运用该公式对10~300eV时C3H6同分异构体电子散射总截面进行了计算。

    A semi-empirical additivity rule is presented . Total cross sections ( TCSs ) for electron scattering from C_3H_6 isomers : propene ( C_3H_6 ) and cyclopropane ( c - C_3H_6 ) have been calculated in 10 ~ 300eV employing the semi-empirical additivity rule .

  22. 超高能强子&强子散射总截面计算

    The calculation of total cross section for hadron-hadron scattering under superhigh energies

  23. 核反应总截面和奇异结构研究

    Total reaction cross section and study of exotic nuclear structure

  24. 晕核反应总截面和密度分布

    Total Reaction Cross Section of Nucleus-Nucleus Collision and Density Distributions of Halo Nuclei

  25. 中子分布弥散度对反应总截面的影响

    Effect of Surface Diffuseness of Neutron Distribution on Nuclear Total Reaction Cross Section

  26. 人们可以把所有几率加在一起,并认为它就是总截面。

    One may add all possibilities together and refer to a total cross-section .

  27. 适用于总截面小于保护面的情况。

    Apply to gross cross-section less sacrificial area .

  28. 中能区丰中子核反应总截面与中子过剩自由度的关系研究

    The neutron excess dependence of total reaction cross section in the intermediate energy domain

  29. 核反应总截面参数化计算

    Parametrized calculation of nuclear total reaction cross section

  30. 一个奇异核反应总截面的探测系统及其应用

    A Detector System Used for the Measurement of Total Reaction Cross Section and Its