
zǒng jiàn zhù shī
  • chief architect
总建筑师[zǒng jiàn zhù shī]
  1. 新华社报道称,丹麦馆的总建筑师英厄尔斯(BjarkeIngels)说,这几乎像是把一部分丹麦文化融入到了中国文化之中。

    Bjarke Ingels , chief architect of the Danish Pavilion , said , ' It 's almost like a piece of Danish culture being integrated into Chinese culture , ' Xinhua reported .

  2. 项目总建筑师工程建设全过程负责制的探索&外高桥港区工程管理区总体设计回顾

    Approach to " Chief Architect Responsibility System in Project Management ": A Review on Overall Design of the Administration Area of Waigaoqiao Port Area

  3. 设计时代传承文明&刘晓钟总建筑师谈住宅设计的变化及发展

    DESIGN THE PRESENT AND CARRY OUT CIVILIZATION : Talk on changes and development of residential designs

  4. 他是以色列最伟大的守护者和总建筑师之一,从不畏惧、从不缺乏远见卓识。

    ' He was one of Israel 's greatest defenders and chief architects , who never knew fear and never lack for vision .

  5. 三千年前,埃及被当时埃及艳后的总建筑师所统治,这名法老决心在史上留下永垂不朽的功绩。

    Three thousand years ago , Egypt was ruled by a master builder , a pharaoh , determined to leave a permanent mark on history .

  6. 1983年回国,现任北京市建筑设计研究院总建筑师、中国工程院院士。

    He returned to China in1983 and the present position is the chief architect of Beijing Architecture Design and Research Institute , Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  7. 可是,彼得鼓励他们,他们的人生正在进行翻新工程,而总建筑师耶稣要把他们建造成「灵宫」,彰显祂自己的形象。

    But Peter encourages them with the reminder that their lives are undergoing renovation . Jesus , the master builder , is remodeling them into " a spiritual house " that reflects his own image .

  8. 国家一级注册建筑师,曾任中国建筑技术开发总公司总建筑师。

    National1st Class Registered Architect and ever worked as the Chief Architect in China Building Technique Development Corporation .

  9. 总的来说,建筑师尽其所能,在选择材料时尽可能的坚持生态理念。

    Finally , the architects did everything possible to maintain the ecological theme in their choice of materials .