
  1. [方法]中国测定的是环境瞬时总粉尘浓度(Tchn),美国测定的是整班时间加权平均呼吸性粉尘浓度(Rus)和总粉尘浓度(Tus)。

    [ Methods ] The Chinese samplers measured short-term total dust concentration in environment , while the US samplers collected full-shift time-weighted average respirable dust and total dust concentrations .

  2. 煤矿呼吸性粉尘浓度与总粉尘浓度的关系

    Study on relationship between respirable and total dust concentrations in coal mines

  3. 冶金工厂呼吸性粉尘浓度与总粉尘浓度的相关性研究

    Coherency Study on Respirable Dust Concentration and Total Dust Concentration of Metallurgical Plant

  4. 冲击式二级采样对呼吸粉尘与总粉尘浓度比值的影响

    Effect of Impactor Sampling on the Ratio of Respirable Dust Concentration to Total Dust Concentration

  5. 方法:依据《作业场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范(GBZ159-2004)》对工作场所空气中总粉尘浓度和游离二氧化硅含量进行监测。

    Methods : According to " hazardous substances in workplace air monitoring , sampling rule ( GBZ 159-2004 )" in the workplace air concentrations of total dust and free silica content monitoring .

  6. 根据实验测试及分析结论,在现场进行了应用及工艺配套优化,取得了较好的降尘效果,掘进机司机处总粉尘浓度由原来的平均860mg/m3降至45mg/m3,改善了作业环境的劳动卫生条件。

    Based on the experimental measurements and analysis , the application and technological optimization were made at the site , better dust suppression effect was obtained and the environmental condition at the working site was thus improved .

  7. [结论]说明粉尘的生物学作用与呼吸性粉尘联系密切,进一步说明了呼吸性粉尘浓度比总粉尘浓度更能反映工人接尘的实际危害程度。

    [ Conclusions ] The biology effect of dust is closely associated with breathing dust concentration , which suggests that the concentration of breathing dust reflects the harm degree to workers touching dust more accurately than total dust concentration .

  8. [方法]对某钢铁公司所属炼铁和采矿分公司的1504名接尘工人进行调查研究,通过进行矽肺病流行病学调查分析,把40年来的总粉尘浓度换算成呼吸性粉尘浓度。

    [ Methods ] 1 504 workers touching dust in ironmaking and mining department of a iron and steel corporation were investigated and epidemiology diagnoses was conducted to invert their total dust concentration in the recent 40 years into breathing dust concentration .

  9. 结果矿工作业场所的总粉尘平均浓度为23.8mg/m3,呼吸性粉尘平均浓度为8.9mg/m3,均超过国家卫生标准。

    Results The average total dust and respirable dust concentrations in the miners ' work areas were 23.8 mg / m 3 and 8.9 mg / m 3 respectively , which greatly exceeded national health criteria .