
  • 网络total alkaloids;Total Alkali;TBN
  1. 测定了水泥浆体中的总碱含量和可溶碱含量。

    The total alkali content and soluble alkali content in cement paste were determined .

  2. 总碱分配比为1:3时最有利于提高白度和过氧化氢漂白效率。

    The best proportion of the total alkali is 1:3 , it is best for brightness development and efficiency of hydrogen peroxide bleaching .

  3. 苦参总碱抗柯萨奇B病毒作用机理的研究

    Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Anti-coxsackievirus B of Sophora Flavescens Alkaloids

  4. HPLC法测定辣椒总碱中辣椒碱及二氢辣椒碱的含量

    Determination of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin in general alkaloids of Capsicum annuum by HPLC

  5. 苦参总碱体外抗柯萨奇B病毒3型作用测定及其机理的初步研究

    The Effects of Sophora Flavescens Alkaloids ( SFA ) on Coxsackie Virus B3 ( CVB3 ) in Vitro and a Preliminary Study of Its Mechanism

  6. 方法:用硅胶柱层析法对平贝总碱进行分离纯化,固定相为薄层层析硅胶G,流动相为乙酸乙酯-甲醇-氨水(17:2:1)。

    The solid phase was thin layer chromatography silica gel G and the mobile phase was ethyl acetate-methanol-ammonia ( 17:2:1 ) .

  7. 结论:在pH为12.00时,麻黄总碱提取率最高。

    Conclusion : On the condition of the pH 12 , the extraction rate of the total alkaloids in Mahuang is the highest .

  8. 大鼠博落回总碱中毒后心肌细胞Bcl-2、Bax蛋白表达

    Expression of Bcl-2 and Bax Proteins in Myocardial Cells after Macleaya Cordata Alkaloids Poisoning in Rats

  9. 喷施苦豆子总碱后蔬菜叶绿素的含量显著增加,亚硝酸盐和维生素C的含量明显下降。

    The chlorophyll content in vegetable increased significantly , while the vitamin C and NO ~ - _2 content decreased significantly after spraying total alkaloid from Sophora alopecuroides .

  10. GC-MS分析苦豆子总碱中的13种生物碱

    Qualitative and quantitative analyses of 13 constituents of alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides by GC-MS

  11. 北豆根总碱对Hela细胞抑制作用及其机制研究

    The Inhibition and the Mechanisms of Total Alkaloid of Menispermum on Hela Cells

  12. RP-HPLC法测定博落回总碱中白屈菜红碱含量的方法研究

    Research on the Method for Determination of Chelerythrine in Total Alkaloid of Macleaya Cordata by RP-HPLC

  13. 通痹灵总碱对LPS(脂多糖)刺激后的巨噬细胞产生炎性细胞因子的影响

    Effect of Tongbiling ( TBL ) Total alkaloids ( TA ) on inflammatory cytokine secretion from macrophage stimulated by LPS

  14. 结果用EMS处理的长春花愈伤组织与对照相比,不仅生长快,并且吲哚总碱含量高。

    Results The calli treated with 0.3 % EMS grows faster , contains higher content of total indole alkaloids than the contrast .

  15. 夏天无总碱提取物对痴呆大鼠脑内5-HT和DA含量的影响

    Effects of Total Alkaloids from Rhizoma Corydalis Decumbeutis ( TARCD ) on Content of Brain 5-HT and DA of Alzheimer 's Disease Rats

  16. 目的:通痹灵总碱(TBL)是从通痹灵中提取出来的总生物碱部位。

    Objective Aim the total TBL alkaloid is from TBL .

  17. 目的观察榜嘎总碱对弗氏完全佐剂致关节炎模型大鼠环氧合酶-2(COX-2)、白细胞介素1(IL-1)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、前列腺素E2(PGE2)活性的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of the total alkaloids of herba aconiti on COX-2 , IL-1 , TNF and PGE2 of arthritis-model rats .

  18. 结果:从狗舌草总碱中分离到3个苯丙酸类单体化合物(A4、B1和C1)。

    The results showed that three phenylpropanoids ( A4 , B1 and C1 ) in total alkaloids from T. kirilowii were isolated .

  19. RP-HPLC测定苦豆子总碱中莱曼碱的含量碱度:具有强碱的性质,其ph值高于七。

    RP-HPLC determination of lehmannine in total alkaloids of Sophora alopecuroides Alkalinity : The state or quality of being alkaline , having a pH of more than 7 . Also called Causticity .

  20. 目的:研究松潘乌头总碱(TAS)的抗炎、解热作用。

    AIM : To study the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of total alkaloids of Aconitum sungpanense Hand-Mazz ( TAS ) .

  21. 方法:以季铵总碱的含量为指标,应用L9(34)正交试验设计筛选黄连解毒汤中黄连黄柏的最佳提取工艺条件。

    Method : The optimum extraction conditions were investigated by the orthogonal design and in berberine as the content index .

  22. aui2~-分光光度法测定北豆根总碱含量。

    Spectrophotometric Determination of total alkaloids in Beidougen capsule with aui_2 ~ .

  23. 方法用真菌诱导子对长春花愈伤组织进行诱导处理后提取吲哚总碱,并用RP-HPLC法测定其中阿玛碱和长春质碱含量。

    Methods The total indole alkaloid was extracted after the calli were treated with fungal elicitors . Then , the determination of ajmalicine and catharanthine was carried out by RP HPLC .

  24. 结论:通痹灵总碱抑制巨噬细胞分泌炎性细胞因子IL-1β、TNF-α,进而抑制了一系列免疫炎症反应造成的病理损伤。

    Conclusion : TA of TBL can inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokine such as IL-1 β, TNF - α secreted by macrophage and block the pathologic damnification induced by immune inflammation reaction .

  25. 试验结果表明,苦豆子总碱500~1000倍液对菜青虫的防治效果较好,药后3d的杀虫效果达78.4%~81.1%;

    The results showed that spraying 500 ~ 1000 times concentration of original total alkaloid from Sophora alopecuroides had the best control effect on cabbage butterfly , on the third day after spraying , the control effect reached to 78.4 % ~ 81.1 % .

  26. 方法:培养小鼠淋巴细胞,加入不同浓度的TBL总碱预孵1h后,再加佛波醇酯(PDB)或刀豆蛋白(ConA),24h后,用流式细胞术检测T淋巴细胞CD69的表达率。

    METHODS : Phorbol 12 , 13-dibutyrate ( PDB ) or concanavalin ( ConA ) were added successively into mouse lymphocytic culture with various concentration of overall alkali TBL .

  27. 结论两面针总碱有抗胃溃疡作用,这种作用可能与提高胃黏膜组织和血清NO,血浆PGE2的含量有关。

    Conclusion TAZ plays a protective action against gastric ulcer . Its anti-ulcer effect is related to NO increase in serum and gastric mucosa , and PGE2 content plasma .

  28. 结果两种方法的结果均为采用氯仿作为溶剂、固液比例为1.0∶7.5、回流时间3h×3,所得总碱含量最高。

    Results Both of the design methods adopted trichloromethane as the solvent , with the solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:7.5 and reflux time of 3 h with 3 repetitions for the highest yield of alkaloids .

  29. 目的探讨苦参总碱对血管内皮细胞(ECV304)增殖和迁移的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the inhibition of Sophora flavescens alkaloids on proliferation and migration of the endothelial cells ( ECV304 ) .

  30. 夏天无总碱(COAMTA)体外实验和体内给药都明显抑制ADP诱导的大鼠血小板聚集,并明显抑制血栓的形成和血小板粘附。

    Corydalis amabilis Migo total alkaloid ( COAMTA ) given in vitro or in vivo caused an inhibition on ADP-induced blood platelet aggregation .