
  • 网络Evergrande Group;Evergrande Real Estate Group
  1. 近日,恒大集团与美国温德姆国际酒店集团战略签约仪式隆重举行,双方将就恒大全国系列项目进行密切合作。

    Recently , Evergrande Real Estate Group and Wyndham Hotel Group held a signing ceremony , and made a close cooperation on the country 's projects .

  2. 2012年,做空机构香椽公司(CitronResearch)公布报告称,该公司没有清偿能力,指责恒大集团向投资商提供虚假信息。

    In 2012 , the short-seller Citron Research published a report saying the company was insolvent , accusing Evergrande of presenting fraudulent information to investors .

  3. 恒大集团要在90天内找到房屋的买主。

    Evergrande has 90 days to find a buyer for the property .

  4. 例如,恒大集团的净债务股权比达到120%。

    Net debt to equity at China Evergrande , for instance , is 120 per cent .

  5. 周二,恒大集团在香港的股价暴跌11%,创七年来的最低。

    The company 's shares slumped over 11 percent to a seven-year low in Hong Kong on Tuesday .

  6. 最新数据显示,恒大集团在去年6月底前总共拿到了1518亿元人民币的贷款。

    Evergrande had total borrowings of 151.8 billion renminbi at the end of June , the most recent figures available .

  7. 在“李”上位迅速而恒大集团,显然是“名称”也是非常重要的。

    In the " Lee " epistatic rapidly while Hengda Group , apparently the " name " is also extremely important .

  8. 令人意想不到的是,香港证券监管机构在去年晚些时候指控香橼公司发布有关恒大集团的虚假及误导性信息。

    In a twist , Hong Kong 's securities regulator late last year accused Citron of publishing false and misleading information about Evergrande .

  9. 许家印于1996年创办了恒大集团,他现在已经是公司的主席和控股股东。

    Evergrande was founded in 1996 by Mr. Hui , now its chairman and majority shareholder , who also goes by Xu Jiayin .

  10. 霍基表示,恒大集团通过它在澳大利亚、香港及英属维尔京群岛的一系列空壳公司购买了这栋别墅。

    Evergrande acquired the villa via a string of shelf companies , in Australia , Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands , Mr. Hockey said .

  11. 梁镇邦表示,恒大集团获得的新信用额度会在一定程度上为该公司提供另一种流动资金来源,但该公司已经负债累累。

    Mr. Leung said that Evergrande 's new credit lines would help give it another source of liquidity but that the company was already heavily indebted .

  12. 霍基表示,恒大集团通过它在澳大利亚、香港及英属维尔京群岛的“一系列空壳公司”购买了这栋别墅。

    Evergrande acquired the villa " via a string of shelf companies , " in Australia , Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands , Mr. Hockey said .

  13. 凭借367亿美元的个人财富,地产开发商广州恒大集团主席许家印登顶中国首富。

    With personal wealth of $ 36.7 billion , Hui Ka Yan , chairman of real estate developer Guangzhou Evergrande Group , has become the richest man in China .

  14. 在该足球俱乐部曝出操纵比赛丑闻而被降级之后,恒大地产集团有限公司(EvergrandeRealEstateGroupLtd.)的掌门人许家印于2010年买下了它。

    Real estate billionaire Xu Jiayin , owner of Evergrande Real Estate Group , bought the club in 2010 , after it was relegated following a match-fixing scandal .

  15. 中国恒大地产集团面临的压力正与日俱增。

    Pressure on property group China Evergrande has intensified .

  16. 但也有免责条款,例如香港为基地的恒大地产集团有限公司。

    But there are exceptions , such as Hong Kong-based Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited .

  17. 2010年初,福布斯中国富人榜名列13的恒大地产集团老板许家印出手买下这支球队。

    In early 2010 , the team was bought by Xu Jiayin , the boss of property developer Evergrande Real Estate Group and China 's 13th richest man , according to Forbes .

  18. 恒大地产集团也为其员工提供免费住房,如果员工在公司工作几年后决定购买公司的房子,也将会享受优惠。

    Evergrande Real East Group provides apartments for its employees to live in free of charge , and gives employees discounts after a certain number of years if they decide to purchase their company housing .

  19. 总部设在华南城市广州的恒大地产集团负债严重,它近期开拓了不少新的业务领域,其中包括瓶装矿泉水、谷物、食用油和美容整形医院。

    Evergrande Real Estate Group , a heavily indebted developer based in the southern city of Guangzhou , has recently branched into new businesses , including bottled mineral water , grain and edible oils and a cosmetic surgery clinic .

  20. 一批主要由国有银行组成的银行采取措施,对建筑商恒大地产集团给予支持,这是中国庞大的房产行业经历动荡的最新迹象。控制该集团的是有着复杂人生经历的亿万富翁许家印。

    The move by a group of mainly state-run banks to bolster the builder , Evergrande Real Estate Group , which is controlled by the colorful billionaire Hui Ka Yan , is the latest sign of tumult in China 's sprawling housing sector .