
hénɡ xīnɡ shí
  • sidereal time
  1. 工作在调相状态下的旋转变压器可以用其相位模拟恒星时与赤经、时角的关系。

    Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time , right ascension and the hour angle .

  2. 对赤纬控制系统,不需把恒星时调制到旋转变压器激磁信号中去。

    For the declination control system there is no need of modulating sidereal time into the signal which excites the resolver stator windings .

  3. 平太阳时换算恒星时的增量

    Acceleration of sidereal on mean solar time

  4. 表盘上不仅能显示平太阳时,还能显示平恒星时、时差,记录月相。

    It gave mean solar time , mean sidereal time , equation of time , and could chart the phases of the moon .

  5. 设定赤经&在校准好极点以后,观测者必须利用计算机或已经同步好恒星时的装置设置好赤经圈。

    Setting Right Ascension-After polar alignment , the observer uses a calculator or a known star to synchronize the right ascension circle with Sidereal Time .

  6. 当黑洞吸入恒星时,恒星先是被吸到能层,能层又将所有的物质卷进事界。

    When a black hole absorbs a star , the star is first pulled into the Ergosphere , which sweeps all the matter into the Event Horizon .

  7. 然而,当一个黑洞穿过一片星云,或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。

    However , if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter , or is close to another " normal " star , the black hole can accrete matter into itself .

  8. 对于天文因素的短周期变化,无论是对于地方时,地方恒星时与月相,都有集中发生在某一段时间的现象;

    For the variation of short period of astronomical factors , whether for local time or local sidereal time and lunar phase there is the phenomenon of occurrence of concentrating a interval time for the earthquakes .

  9. 核心坍塌是否能产生GRB的关键因素,似乎在于原来恒星临终时的质量与转动速率。

    The deciding factors for whether a core collapse produces a GRB appear to be the mass and rotation rate of the progenitor star at the time of its death .

  10. 当恒星塌陷时,它会变成白矮星或者超新星。

    When a star collapses , it will be White dwarf or Supernova .

  11. 晚期恒星坍缩时磁轴的变化规律

    The variation of the angle magnetic and rotation axes in a collapsing star cherishing time

  12. 大规模的兼并引发了恒星形成时爆发是宇宙年龄的一半。

    Massive mergers sparked bursts of star formation when the Universe was half its age .

  13. 当恒星塌陷时,可以成白矮星,也可以是超新星。

    When a star collapses , it can become either a White Dwarf or a Supernova .

  14. 地球是由恒星形成时剩余的物质形成的。

    1 the earth consists of matter that is left over from the formation of a star .

  15. 当黑洞或中子星将一颗恒星毁灭时将会产生巨大的辐射。

    As a black hole or neutron star destroys a star , tremendous amounts of radiation are released .

  16. 这一灾难还不像行星与隐蔽的恒星相撞时所发生的毁灭性剧变那样大。

    As not so calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun .

  17. 当只考量恒星成份时,棒子似乎太坚固;但在加入气体后,星棒又显得太脆弱。

    The bars that seemed too robust when only the stellar component was taken into account are quite fragile when the gas is included .

  18. 但是“开普勒”宇宙飞船,通过研究行星经过其母恒星前面时母恒星亮度中的微弱黑点,发现了这些行星围绕恒星运行的距离。

    But Kepler spacecraft detects planets orbiting distance stars by finding small dips in the light coming from those stars then an orbiting planet passes in front .

  19. 第二种可能是在死亡的恒星旋转时,它的强大的磁力场被弯曲成复杂的形状,就象是打蛋机里的意大利面条。

    A second possibility is that , as the dying star spins , its strong magnetic fields are wound up into complex shapes like spaghetti in an eggbeater .

  20. 2.天文学家发现宇宙早期的100多个星系,每一个都是在恒星形成时的剧烈震动中产生的。3.

    Astronomers have discovered more than a hundred dusty galaxies in the early Universe , each of which is in the throes of an intense burst of star formation .

  21. 为太阳质量三到20倍的小型黑洞,是在大恒星坍塌时创造的,并且留下一个足以阻止附近光线的重力拉力。

    Small black holes , between three and20 times the mass of the sun , are created when big stars collapse and leave behind a gravitational pull strong enough to block nearby light rays .

  22. 这些恒星死亡时坍缩成白矮星。(质量大于8个太阳质量的恒星会成为中子星;大于30个太阳质量的恒星成为黑洞。)这两个星云都有高电离度和高激发度,说明其内部的恒星非常热。

    these progenitors collapsed into white dwarfs when they died . ( Stars more massive than eight solar masses become neutron stars ; and stars greater than 30 solar masses become black holes . ) And both have high ionisation and excitation , indicating the stars inside them are very hot .

  23. 指出在研究变星脉动和具有延伸对流区的恒星内部结构时,湍流雷诺应力的作用是不可忽略的。

    It is shown that the effect of turbulent pressure on the structure and the vibrational stability of stars with extensive convective envelopes is not negligible .

  24. 因为望远镜在观测非常遥远的恒星和星系时,就好像在回溯过往,因此天文学家可藉由观测遥远的天体,一窥宇宙的膨胀史。

    Because telescopes look back in time as they gather light from far-off stars and galaxies , astronomers can explore the expansion history of the universe by focusing on distant objects .

  25. 第四,它被发现的方法正如当年寻找火神星一样&当它在其“父”恒星前面飞过时,导致恒星亮度微微黯淡的这个关键被捕捉到了。

    And fourth , it was found in exactly the way the hunt for Vulcan proceeded & by noting the slight dip in light from its parent star caused when it passed in front of that star .

  26. 这次获得头名的DeBenedictis设计了一套能够为宇宙飞船在恒星星系内航行时提供导航的软件系统。

    The top prize given to DeBenedictis was for developing a software navigation system to help improve spacecraft travel through the solar system .

  27. 即使在天文学中,当你谈论恒星,黑洞等时,你能量的转移。

    And even in astrophysics , when you talk about stars , black holes , etcetera you 're moving energy around .

  28. 当恒星步入老年期时,经常会“脱皮”,就是说将由尘埃和气体组成的巨大外壳剥离到星际空间中。

    As stars age , they often shed their skins , so to speak , casting off expansive shells of dust and gas into interstellar space .

  29. 当一颗邻近的恒星经过巨大黑洞时,巨大的潮汐作用会把恒星拉长变形并造成部分的气体掉入黑洞。

    Giant black holes in just the right mass range would pull on the front of a closely passing star much more strongly than on the back .

  30. 在2009年它首次引起人们注意,当时它骤然爆炸成为一颗超新星,并发出闪耀的光芒。超新星就是恒星在演化末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。

    It first drew attention in 2009 , when it flared up brightly in an apparent supernova - a star exploding at the end of its life .