
è bà
  • bully;local tyrant;local despot;bully boy
恶霸 [è bà]
  • [local tyrant] 独霸一方,作威作福,欺压群众的人

  • 打倒恶霸

恶霸[è bà]
  1. 有那么多的人都一直在谈论百度是恶霸!

    Have so much person talking about Baidu all the time is local tyrant !

  2. 地方上的恶霸控制了那里的捕鱼业。

    The local tyrant ruled fishing there .

  3. 他被描述为英雄、天才、恶霸,不一而足。

    He has been variously described as a hero , a genius and a bully .

  4. “我有时言行很过分,不知道为什么。”她开始感觉自己像个恶霸。

    ' I come on strong sometimes . Don 't know why . ' She was beginning to feel like a bully .

  5. 罗布所传达的最重要的信息是:"当恶霸对你不友善时,那不是你的错。"

    Rob 's most important message is : " When bullies are unkind to you , it isn 't your fault . "

  6. 只有Caruso会注意到(欺负Chris的小恶霸)

    The only one that would even notice is Caruso .

  7. Thompson补充说,但是,很少发生这种情况,大多数孩子要么自己也害怕,要么想巴结恶霸,要么认为见义勇为不管用。

    But rarely will that happen , Thompson added , because most kids are either afraid , entertained by bullying , or don 't think speaking up will help .

  8. Craig说,只要有一位旁观者喊出:“住手”或“不准打我的朋友”,在半数情况下,可以震慑这个恶霸。

    If just one bystander says " stop ," said Craig , or " don 't hit my friend ," the bully will stop half of the time .

  9. 安德鲁•马隆(AndreMalraux)是一个法国作家和政治家,他声称戴高乐将军称丁丁为自己的唯一国际对手,因为他们俩人都是以在恶霸面前挺身而出而着名的。

    Andre Malraux , a French writer and politician , claimed that General de Gaulle called Tintin his " only international rival ", because both were famous for standing up to bullies .

  10. 词义漫谈&试从词义的色彩和种类谈谈对词义的认识有许多类型的恶霸老板。Mueller定义了七种。下面的任何一种是否都有一定的特色?

    Roaming in the World of Word Meanings & Understanding of Word Meanings in Terms of Their Colours and Classifications ; There are many types of bully bosses . Mueller has identified seven types . Any of the following strike a responsive chord ?

  11. 那个小孩在恶霸紧握的拳头面前退缩了。

    The small boy cringed from the bully 's clenched fist .

  12. 那恶霸推倒了乔安娜并偷走了她的午餐。

    The bully pushed Joanna down and stole her lunch .

  13. 我是一个有礼貌的人,我恨恶霸和傲慢。

    I am a polite person and I hate bullies and arrogant .

  14. 当地恶霸侵占了寺庙的庙产。

    The local despot trenched on the temple 's property .

  15. 这位校园恶霸将会在第11集出现。

    The actor is set to appear in episode 11 .

  16. 这种“恶霸论调”的问题在什么地方呢?

    Now , what 's the problem with the bully 's argument ?

  17. 聂铁是附近一带有名的恶霸。

    Nie Tie was a well-known bully in the neighborhood .

  18. 那里到处都是蚊子,厕所是露天的,还有恶霸。

    There were mosquitos , compost toilets , mean kids .

  19. 法院不敢动普斯洛这种恶霸。

    There 's no court in this country for men like prothero .

  20. 我听说他是被一个小恶霸欺负了。不是。

    I heard he was being picked on by a mean kid .

  21. 中情局的行为就像恶霸而且无人能够制止?

    The CIA acts like bullys and expects nobody to fight back ?

  22. 我要用满膛子弹毙了那个恶霸。

    I wanted to plug that bully full of lead .

  23. 他是个恶霸,无恶不作。

    He 's a local despot , stopping at nothing in doing evil .

  24. 他是我以前的学校的恶霸。

    He 's the bully at my last school .

  25. 网络恶霸是在世界历史上最具破坏性的恶霸。

    Cyberbullying is the most devastating bullying in the history of the world .

  26. 打到恶霸!做个好朋友,不要当恶霸!

    Down with the bullies ! Be a buddy , not a bully !

  27. 恶霸逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。

    The despot set his house on fire before he took to flight .

  28. 那恶霸看到我的老大哥,掉头就逃走了。

    When the bully saw my big brother , he turned tail and ran .

  29. 因为杀了一个恶霸而从家乡掏出,已流落江湖好几年了。

    He had killed a bad man and left his home many years ago .

  30. 当恶霸欺负我的时候,他立马来解救我。

    When a bully teased me , he came to my rescue right away .