
  • 网络The Wellcome Trust
  1. 开放访问很有吸引力,并且得到了美国国立卫生研究院(nationalinstitutesofhealth)和英国惠康基金会(wellcometrust)等研究基金和英国政府的支持。

    Open access is appealing and is supported both by research funds , such as the US National Institutes of health and the UK Wellcome Trust , and by the UK government .

  2. 慈善机构惠康基金会(WellcomeTrust)曾提出一个光辉的计划,要把奥林匹克公园变成一个世界一流的生命科学和先进技术中心。

    The charitable Wellcome Trust came up with a glorious plan to turn the Olympic Park into a world-class centre for the life sciences and advanced technology .

  3. 新兴传染病专家及全球慈善健康基金会—惠康基金会主任杰里米·法勒对于埃博拉进行了上述总结。

    Jeremy Farrar is an emerging infectious disease expert and the director of the Wellcome Trust , a global charitable health foundation .