
  1. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)宣布,本月将在其上千家店里安装意式浓缩咖啡机(espressomachines)。

    Tim Hortons , home of the double-double , has announced it will install espresso machines in a thousand of its locations this month .

  2. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)是加拿大最大的快餐连锁,在加拿大有约3000家店,计划到今年12月中旬在其中的2500家店中安装意式浓缩咖啡机。

    Tim 's , the country 's biggest fast-food chain , expects to have espresso machines in2,500 of its3,000 locations by mid-December .

  3. Costa咖啡可以送来一杯意式浓缩咖啡(2.70美元),附近的药店也能送来一片事后避孕药(2美元)。

    Costa Coffee will send around a single shot of espresso ( $ 2.70 ) , and the neighborhood pharmacy will dispatch one morning-after pill ( $ 2 ) .

  4. 罗马——周日,萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷蒂(SamanthaCristoforetti)享用了一杯世间难寻的意式浓缩咖啡,而且是以科学的名义。

    ROME - Samantha Cristoforetti had an espresso on Sunday that was out of this world , and she did it in the name of science .

  5. 阿根廷人都喜欢在外面待到很晚才回家,所以不妨到LABTostadoresdeCafe补充些咖啡因提提神,这里是布宜诺斯艾利斯新一代现代咖啡馆中最棒的一间,可让你在充满工业风格的时尚环境中品尝一杯意式浓缩咖啡。

    Argentines stay out late , so fortify yourself with a caffeine stop at LAB Tostadores de Cafe , a roastery and one of the best of Buenos Aires 's new crop of modern coffee shops , where espresso is served in an industrial chic interior .

  6. 在这家公司启动这个项目之后不久,2013年6月,另一名意大利宇航员卢卡·帕米塔诺(LucaParmitano)在空间站接受采访时曾说,他在太空中唯一十分想念的东西,“就是一杯香醇的意式浓缩咖啡”。

    The company had already begun the project when another Italian astronaut , Luca Parmitano , remarked in a June 2013 interview from the space station that the one thing he really missed in space " was a good cup of espresso . "

  7. 这台特制的意式浓缩咖啡机叫做ISSpresso,在ASI的帮助下,由位于都灵的设计和软件公司亚果科技(Argotec)和意大利咖啡生产商Lavazza制作。

    A special espresso maker , named ISSpresso , was designed for the task by Argotec , an engineering and software firm based in Turin , and the Italian coffee producer Lavazza , with help from the space agency .

  8. 做一杯意式浓缩咖啡。

    Make up espresso , using Fairtrade coffee .

  9. 冰淇淋和意式浓缩咖啡一齐到了,换掉了床上的第一套餐具。

    The ice creams arrive along with an espresso , replacing the first set of dishes on the bed .

  10. 可以点一杯黑咖啡、卡布吉诺、意式浓缩咖啡、拿铁或者各式花茶。

    This could all be followed by regular coffee , cappuccino , expresso , latte or a selection of teas .

  11. 意式浓缩咖啡:意式浓缩咖啡口感香浓强烈,它是以少量将近沸腾的水、借由高压冲过研磨得很细的咖啡粉末而冲出来的咖啡。

    espresso - a strong coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through fine coffee grounds

  12. 我们谢绝了布丁,但因为桌子很快空了,我又点了一杯双份意式浓缩咖啡,他点了一杯绿茶。

    We decline pudding but order a double espresso for me and green tea for him as the table is swiftly cleared .

  13. 拿铁是少量意式浓缩咖啡加入大量滚烫的泡沫鲜奶。

    A caffe latte is one or two shots of espresso with steamed milk and foam filling the rest of the cup .

  14. 制作一杯像样的意式浓缩咖啡这个流程需要高温、水压,还要把咖啡粉完美地压实在地球上就已经很难了。

    Making a proper espresso a singular alchemy of high temperature , water pressure and perfectly tamped coffee is difficult enough to master on earth .

  15. 制作一杯像样的意式浓缩咖啡——这个流程需要高温、水压,还要把咖啡粉完美地压实——在地球上就已经很难了。

    Making a proper espresso - a singular alchemy of high temperature , water pressure and perfectly tamped coffee - is difficult enough to master on earth .

  16. 上个世纪八十年代,舒尔茨到米兰和维罗纳出差,之后他决定将意式浓缩咖啡饮品宣传给美国。后来,这一创意一举成功,星巴克也成为了当今饮品界的巨头。

    On a business trip in the 1980s , Schultz visited Milan and Verona and decided to bring espresso drinks to the U.S. The concept took off , and Starbucks became the beverage giant it is today .

  17. 他成为忙碌、成功和重要的人物,至少他希望看上去如此。为了显示自己的出类拔萃,除了一边在手机里完成交易,一边在星巴克赶着喝早晨那杯意式浓缩咖啡之外,还有更好的方式吗?

    He is busy , successful and important.Or at least he hopes to appear so.What better way to feel like a top man than to close a business deal over his cell phone while grabbing his morning cup of Espresso at Starbucks .