
  1. 可以是辅导CD或软件,在线课程,成人教育课程,语言沉浸课程,或者私人家教。

    Options include instructional CDs or software , online courses , adult-education classes , language-immersion courses , and private tutors .

  2. 成人高等教育课程改革:挑战与反思

    The Curriculum Reform of Adult Higher Education : Challenge and Reflection

  3. 21世纪:中国成人高等教育课程体系改革的思考

    China 's adult higher education curriculum reform in the 21st century

  4. 我国成人高等教育课程评价改革方向探微

    Exploring the Reform Direction of Curriculum Evaluation in Adult Education in China

  5. 成人高等教育课程开发探讨

    An Exploration of the Curriculum Development in Adult Higher Education

  6. 成人高等教育课程建设探索

    A probing into curriculum construction of adults ' higher education

  7. 我国成人高等教育课程结构和教学模式的探讨

    On the Curriculum Structure and Teaching Model of Adult Higher Education in China

  8. 成人高等教育课程开发的应然取向

    The " Ought to " Trends of Curriculum Development of Adult Higher Education

  9. 成人高等教育课程考试立意的转变

    Changing of Course Examination Goals in Adult Higher Education

  10. 21世纪我国体育成人高等教育课程设置的理性思考

    Rational thinking of the 21st century Chinese adult sports higher education course establishment

  11. 成人高等教育课程内容生成方式新探

    A Preliminary Analysis on the Methods to Generate Curriculum Contents in Adult Higher Education

  12. 笔者在本文中试探索21世纪民族地区农业院校成人高等教育课程结构改革。

    The author tries to explore on the reform of the curriculum structure of AHE of agricultural universities in minority regions in the21st .

  13. 成人高等教育课程开发应该是基于成人需求的一种服务性过程,这是由成人学习的特殊性决定的。后现代知识观对普通高校中成人高等教育课程开发过程产生了全面的影响。

    In view of the particularity of adult learning , the curriculum development of adult higher education , which is completely influenced by postmodern idea of knowledge , should serve adults ' needs .

  14. 内蒙古农业大学作为民族地区高等农业院校之一,成人高等教育课程结构也存在着与其它民族地区高校同样的问题。

    As one of the agricultural universities in minority regions , the same problems with other universities in minority regions still exist in AHE course structure of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University ( IMAU ) .

  15. 成人高等教育课程结构的不合理、不平衡、不适合成人学习的特点是成人高等教育人才培养问题中的突出方面,影响了成人高等教育的教学质量和效果。

    The course structure of adult higher education is unreasonable , unbalanced , and is not suitable for the characteristics of adult learning , it has been the prominent aspect of adult higher education teaching , affecting the adult higher education teaching quality and effects .

  16. 成人高等教育英语课程教学的对策研究

    A Study of Strategies for College English Teaching in Adult Education Higher Institutes

  17. 基础教育的课程改革对成人师范高等教育课程结构和课程设置提出了严峻挑战。

    A grim challenge has been put forward for the curriculum structure and set-up in teacher-training program by the curriculum reform of basic education .

  18. 摘要英语是成人高等教育的必修课程之一。

    English is one of the compulsory courses in higher education for adults .