
chéng yǐn
  • habituation;addicted
成瘾[chéng yǐn]
  1. 接触可以引起嗅觉疲劳或成瘾。

    Exposure may produce olfactory fatigue or habituation .

  2. 一些吸毒成瘾的人一旦没有毒品就会出现情绪的激烈波动。

    Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug .

  3. 我发现史蒂夫已吸毒成瘾。

    I found out Steve was on drugs .

  4. 她是个吸毒成瘾的人。

    She was a drug addict .

  5. 该书包括有关成瘾原因的观察发现。

    This book contains observations about the causes of addictions .

  6. 直到后来才证明该药是会成瘾的。

    It was only later that the drug was shown to be addictive

  7. 有人可能认为抽烟从本质上说就具有成瘾性。

    One could argue that smoking , by its very nature , is addictive .

  8. 这使得该国严重依赖每年救济的那点美元,成了“嗜援成瘾”的国家。

    It turned the country into an ' aid junkie ' , heavily dependent on its annual fix of dollars

  9. 他赌博成瘾。

    He is much given to gambling .

  10. 他喝酒成瘾。

    He addicted himself to drinking .

  11. 研究者们调查了12,395名学生,分析了九种风险行为,包括酗酒、使用违禁药品、吸烟成瘾、过量使用多媒体和逃学。

    The study 's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors , including excessive alcohol use , illegal drug use , heavy smoking , high media use and truancy .

  12. 嗜巧克力成瘾这种症状有医疗依据支持,但“巧克力狂”用来形容一个人非常爱吃巧克力时,使用范围很宽泛,也充满幽默感。

    There is some medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction2 to chocolate . However , the term is mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately3 fond of chocolate .

  13. 成瘾性药物对大鼠脑内G蛋白耦联受体激酶5mRNA和蛋白水平的调控

    Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 mRNA and protein level in rat brain by addictive drugs

  14. 吗啡成瘾大鼠部分脑区mu阿片受体的变化

    Changes of mu Opioid Receptor in Brain Regions of Morphine Dependent Rats

  15. 近年来网络成瘾现象受到了越来越多的关注,在研究中网络成瘾大多采用病理性互联网使用(PathologicalInternetUse,PIU)一词,主要强调对互联网的非理性或不当使用。

    In recent years , Internet Addiction or Pathological Internet Use ( PIU ) has received more and more concerns .

  16. 我国大学生网络成瘾部分危险因素的Meta分析

    Meta-analysis on the risk factors of college students with internet addiction in China

  17. 结果:第7天时,B、C、D组小鼠有强烈成瘾表现;A、E组无异常。

    Results : At the seventh day , mice in group B , C and D had strong addition , but the group A and E had no abnormal behave .

  18. SNARE蛋白在癫痫发生及阿片成瘾过程中的调控机制

    The Regulatory Mechanism of SNARE Proteins during Epilepsy and Drug Addiction

  19. 网络成瘾症(IAD)诊断标准的发展性研究

    The Developmental Study of the IAD Diagnostic Criterion

  20. 针对不同的成瘾物质分别进行Meta分析,发现A118G多态性G等位基因与酒精依赖存在阳性关联关系(P0.05)。

    But according to the different types of substance , the Meta-analysis results showed that G allele frequence had significant association with alcohol dependence (( P0.05 ) . )

  21. DavidHarding如此喜欢吃香肠,以致于他成为英国第一个接受正式治疗的香肠成瘾患者。

    David Harding loves sausages so much he has become the first man in Britain to undergo therapy in a bid to stop his13-a-day habit .

  22. 生物因素是传播艾滋病(HIV),乙肝(HBV)等血源性疾病的重要途径:药物的滥用与成瘾.应激和疲劳是麻醉医师自身的危害因素;

    Biological risks was important ways of transmited HIV and HBV of blood diseases ; They are harmful factors to anesthetist themselves that the abuse of the drugs and addiction , Stress and fatigue .

  23. 所以,成瘾药物引起NAc兴奋性突触功能改变具体的细胞分子机制就受到了更多的关注。

    Thus the detailed cellular and molecular mechanisms by drugs of abuse related to modification excitatory synaptic function in the NAc have received increased attention .

  24. 伏隔核(NAc)是该系统中参与控制奖赏效应以及药物成瘾相关的动机和情感活动表达的中继站。

    The nucleus accumbens ( NAc ) is like a " relay station " in control motivational and emotional behaviors that are associated with rewarding and drug addiction .

  25. 自然戒断组:成瘾模型建立后,正常喂养15d,期间不做任何处理;

    Natural refraining group : Mice were normally fed for 15 days after establishment of morphine addiction models without any other treatments .

  26. 多巴胺D3受体与帕金森病、精神分裂症等神经性或精神性疾病及药物成瘾等有关。该种与秦岭无心菜A。

    D_ 3 receptor is related to many kinds of nervous or psychical disease , such as Parkinsonism and Schizophrenia , and is also related to the drug addiction .

  27. 该研究支持了Franken关于药物成瘾的注意偏向模型。

    This study provided experimental evidence for the Franken 's attentional bias model for drug addiction .

  28. 甲基蓝对阿片类物质产生耐受和依赖的阻断作用进一步探讨了干预NMDANOcGMP通路的药物抗阿片类耐受成瘾的神经生化机制。

    BLOCKADE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF OPIOID TOLERANCE AND DEPENDENCE BY METHYLENE BLUE In addition , we also further explored the neurochemical mechanism of the drugs interfering NMDA-NO-cGMP pathway in treating opioid tolerance and dependence .

  29. 〔结论〕此项实验的结果表明,①小鼠在成瘾过程中,吗啡引起了腹腔巨噬细胞表达CD80显著升高和MHC-Ⅱ显著下降,这可能是导致腹腔巨噬细胞抗原提呈功能下降的原因之一。

    Conclusion : our results show : ① Expression of CD80 increasing and MHC ⅱ decreasing had significantly occured after addictive which likely was a important mechanism of depressing macrophage antigen - presentence function .

  30. 结果:①不同剂量PNS组、吗啡成瘾(MOR)组及纳络酮催促戒断(NAL)组大鼠海马组织总CREB蛋白表达与对照组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : ① The CREB protein expression in hippocampus was not significantly statistically different in morphine physical dependent group ( MOR ), naloxone precipitated withdrawal group ( NAL ) and PNS groups compared with control group ( P > 0.05 );