
  • 网络Strategic Process;The Strategy Process
  1. 从流程角度,分别提出了从改善人员流程、战略流程、运营流程这三个流程入手,提出了提升企业执行力的三种途径;

    From the process angle , this thesis pointed out the ways from three core process-personnel 's processes , strategic process , operating process , to promote execution of business enterprise ;

  2. 国内外对企业执行力体系的构建和研究大都围绕着人员流程、战略流程以及运营流程。

    The studies both of domestic and foreign mostly around strategic process 、 personnel process and operational process .

  3. 论文在比较分析的基础上,规范了流程分类方法,将企业流程分为三类:战略流程、经营流程和支持流程。

    The designing should be on basis of normative classification and meet five rules . It is standardized to sort business processes into three : strategic , operating and supporting process .

  4. 该协会经济顾问菲利普哈尔平(PhilipHalpin)表示:考虑到资产负债表可能受到的影响,出口企业迫切需要把欧元区解体的情景纳入战略规划流程。

    There is an urgent need for exporters to incorporate scenarios in which the euro collapses into their strategic planning process , given the potential balance sheet implications , says Philip Halpin , economic adviser to the association .

  5. 提出了便于操作的品牌整合战略规划流程。

    Proposes the strategically planning flow for the actual operation .

  6. 回顾内部流程,发展并执行物流战略及流程改进方案;

    Review internal process , develop and implement logistics strategies and process improvement solution ;

  7. 它影响到决策,战略,流程和执行情况的业务。

    It affects the decisions , strategies , processes and performance of the business .

  8. 战略思考流程:如何用麦肯锡的“七步法”制定质量战略规划?

    The process of strategic thinking : how to use McKinsey's7 steps setting quality strategic planning ?

  9. 企业组织结构的团队化转化是在企业战略和流程规范下进行的。

    The change to the team of enterprise organization structure is under enterprise strategic and business process restriction .

  10. 提出了房地产营销渠道战略制定流程并分析了其影响因素。

    Put forward the process to formulate real estate marketing channel strategy and analyze its influencing factors . 3 .

  11. 其内容涉及战略采购流程、供应商开发和认证、信息技术在战略采购中的广泛应用和备件战略采购管理优化等。

    It covers the purchasing procedures , supplier development and certification , global IT support system and continuous management optimization .

  12. 在这样的思路指导下,通过对战略并购流程的分析,确定了以协同效应作为切入点的技术方向。

    In this line of thought , through analyzing the process of strategic acquisitions , the paper identified synergies as an entry point to expanse study .

  13. 协助制定战略计划流程,审阅和分析所有提交的文件并参与合资公司的业务发展战略。

    To assist in the strategic planning process , reviewing and analysing all submissions and participating in the development of overall business strategy for the jv .

  14. 这也会给你提供对该公司战略和流程的深入了解也会给你一个机会来让招聘者知道你能如何在这些方面提供支持和改进。

    This will also give you more insight into their strategies and processes and an opportunity to let the recruiter know how you could support or improve on them .

  15. 白皮书把业务架构定义成能够更好地将战略、流程、业务结构和人员利用起来从而交付可靠且经济的企业运作的一种机制。

    The whitepaper defines business architecture as a mechanism for defining how strategy , processes , business structure and staff can be best utilized to deliver reliable and cost effective operations .

  16. 第四章首先介绍了笔者提出的一个基于顾客价值的竞争战略开发流程,重点介绍了顾客价值探察与测量量表的开发过程与相应的分析与统计技术。

    The fourth chapter proposes the process of customer value based competitive strategy development and introduces the customer value exploration and measurement scale as well as related analysis and statistics techniques .

  17. 论文的创新在于将核心能力与并购相结合,提出基于核心能力的企业并购战略规划流程,用于对并购实践的指导。

    In light of the theory discussed before , this thesis'innovative points proposes to carry out M A from core competency perspective and use it as the guide of M A practice .

  18. 论文在分析中参考和引用了前人的关于定价研究的一般理论和方法,重点采用了定性分析结合定量分析的方法力图建立信息产品定价的战略决策流程。

    The paper refers and cites the previous general pricing theories and methods , adopt qualitative analysis combined with quantitative analysis methods to establish the decision-making flow of information goods pricing strategies .

  19. 在此基础上,本文从企业组织的构成出发,分别从战略、流程、结构、人员和文化探讨了网络经济下企业组织变革的方向与途径。

    Beginning from the structure of the business organization , the thesis probes into the direction and methods of change , respectively from the strategy , work process , structure , personnel and culture points of view .

  20. 并在此基础之上,针对网络经济的特殊性对互联网企业的企业战略管理流程进行了再造,总结提出了互联网企业实施企业战略管理的一般步骤。

    And based on this , aims at the particularity of the network economy , reform the enterprise strategic management flow of the Internet enterprises , sums up and brings forwards the commonly approach by which the Internet enterprises implement the enterprise strategic management .

  21. 文中应用ANP-DEA模型对计量业务流程进行了分析评估,并从大量候选流程中选出了符合计量检测中心发展战略的重组流程&计量检定流程,从而验证了模型的有效性和实用性。

    The feasibility and practicability of the framework were validated through its application in practical metrology business processes .

  22. 执行力,反映了企业组织将人员、战略、营运流程统筹结合起来完成任务的系统能力。

    Executive ability reflects the company combination ability of human , strategy and business process to achieve tasks .

  23. 第三部分介绍了上市公司战略审计的流程设计和方法。

    The third part introduces the process design and method of research on strategic audit of listed company .

  24. 该模型按照变革的过程,将电子商务流程变革分为战略规划、流程分析、流程设计和变革评估四个阶段。

    The model includes strategic planning , process analysis , process design and the assessment of change . 3 .

  25. 经营模式的重大改变,对企业的整体战略,作业流程,竞争策略具有深远的影响。

    The great transfer of management model has severely influence on the overall strategy , work flow and competitive strategy .

  26. 接下来对交通规划战略环境评价流程进行了简要分析,并提出交通规划战略环境评价的技术工作过程。

    Next , we have conducted a brief analysis for transportation strategic environmental assessment process and put forward the technical work process .

  27. 组织结构是企业发展的载体,是实现战略、执行流程基础,其重要意义不言而喻。

    Organizational structure is the carrier of development and the basement of strategic achievement and process implementation , its significance is self-evident .

  28. 提出基于知识管理战略的业务流程重组、组织结构变革、知识主管设立、知识联盟、组织文化塑造以及知识型员工的管理等一系列的变革措施。

    Research on the revolution scheme for the implement of enterprise knowledge management system including BPR , organization structure , CKO , organization culture and so on .

  29. 其次,本文介绍了人力资源战略的制定流程,主要分为企业内外部环境分析、战略能力评估和决策分析三个阶段。

    Secondly , this text introduces the formulation procedure of human resources strategy , which is divided into enterprise 's domestic and foreign environmental analysis , strategic ability assessment and decision-making analysis mainly .

  30. 早期组织结构设计倾向于劳动分工、效率第一,时至今日,基于战略、以流程为中心的组织设计等理论正呈现出一种明显的趋势取代传统的基于效率的组织设计。

    Early organizational design tends to the division of labor , efficiency first ; based on strategic , process-centric organization design theory are showing a clear trend to replace the traditional efficiency-based organization design .