
  • 网络strategic management accounting;sma;strategy management accounting
  1. 战略管理会计概念和实务研究

    A Review to the Concept and Practice of Strategic Management Accounting

  2. 战略管理会计:管理会计的新理念

    Strategic Management Accounting : the New Idea of Management Accounting

  3. 战略管理会计着眼于企业的长远目标和整体利益;

    The concentration on enterprises 's long-term goal and integral benefit ;

  4. 战略管理会计&传统管理会计的新发展

    Strategic managerial accounting & the new development of traditional managerial accounting

  5. 博弈论在战略管理会计中的应用途径

    The application way of game theory in strategy management accounting

  6. 现代企业应用战略管理会计的必要性及对策

    Necessity of Applying Strategic Management Accounting in Modern Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  7. 我国企业实施战略管理会计的必要性和可行性研究

    The necessity and feasibility study of adopting strategic management accountancy in China

  8. 战略管理会计对企业发展的重要性

    The Importance of Strategy Administrative Accountant to the Development of an Enterprise

  9. 战略管理会计中价值链在竞争对手分析的应用

    Strategic Management Accounting Value Chains On Competitors Analyzing Of Application

  10. 论战略管理会计在电信企业的运用

    The Application of Strategic Management Accounting to Telecommunication Firms

  11. 以价值链为导向的战略管理会计&管理会计的发展趋势

    Strategic Management Accounting Directed by Value Chain & The Trend of Management Accounting

  12. 试论战略管理会计兴起与发展

    On the Rising and Development of Strategical Management Accounting

  13. 战略管理会计是企业战略管理与管理会计相结合的产物。

    SMA is the combination of enterprise 's Strategic Management and Management Accounting .

  14. 现代汽车企业战略管理会计的研究

    Research on Strategic Management Accounting in Modern Auto Enterprises

  15. 论战略管理会计思维与应用理念

    On Thoughts and Application Ideas of Strategic Management Accounting

  16. 战略管理会计的目标与原则分析

    Analysis of Objectives and Principles of Strategic Management Accounting

  17. 对企业战略管理会计实务的探讨

    Probe into the Accounting Practice of Enterprise Strategy Management

  18. 战略管理会计产生的背景研究

    Background Study of Engendering of Strategic Management Accounting

  19. 第一部分是阐明电信企业运用战略管理会计的现实意义。

    Part one demonstrates the inevitability of practicing strategic management accounting in telecom firms .

  20. 论战略管理会计的思想

    The Idea of the Strategy Contral Accounting

  21. 企业战略管理会计研究

    Research on Strategic Management Accounting of Enterprise

  22. 同时,这一部分也介绍了战略管理会计目前在我国的研究和应用现状。

    It introduces the actuality of strategic management accounting practice in our country , too .

  23. 战略管理会计的特征与方法研究

    Method and Characteristic of Strategic Management Accounting

  24. 跨越企业边界的战略管理会计

    Strategic Management Accounting Beyond the Firm Boundary

  25. 浅析战略管理会计系统分析程序

    Systematic Analysis Procedure of Strategic Management Accounting

  26. 电信企业应借助战略管理会计实现企业的战略。

    Telecommunication firms should use strategic management accounting to help them achieve their business strategies .

  27. 战略管理会计对管理会计人员的职能和素质提出了更高的要求;

    Higher demand for SMA personnel ;

  28. 战略管理会计注重竞争对手分析,关注环境变化的影响并具有全面性的特性。

    Strategic management accounting pays attention to the analysis of competitors and influence of condition 's change .

  29. 跨世纪会计学专业人才培养目标及人才素质探讨对战略管理会计相关问题的再认识

    Accounting Professionals and Relevant Issues

  30. 战略管理会计方法有两个特点:以顾客和市场为导向;

    There are two characteristics of strategic management accounting methods : regarding customer and market as its guide ;