
  1. 基于城市经营战略趋同的战略管理创新

    Analysis on the Strategic Homology and Strategic Innovation of the Urban Governance

  2. 海尔集团的实践是“兼收并蓄,创新发展,自成一家”,我国企业的标杆管理要学习海尔的创新精神,防止企业战略趋同。

    The experience of harier group is " swallow everything uncritically , innovate and develop to form your own style " enterprises in our country should learn innovatory spirit from Haier to avoid strategy convergence .

  3. 由于在研发、市场、营销、渠道以及服务等方面战略的趋同,企业之间的竞争越来越同质化,竞争越来越激烈,企业的利润率因此也越来越低。

    Because of the strategic homogeneity in RD , production , marketing , channel and service , the competition among the companies is getting more violent than ever before .

  4. 本文试提出一种定量分析的方法,对北京市城八区九五计划与十五计划中的区域功能定位和战略产业选择进行比较研究,分析行政分权体制下城市区域发展战略的创新与趋同。

    This paper designed a quantitative analysis method , and took a case study of the eight regions of Beijing city , to analyze the innovation and convergence of the Regional Development Strategy under the Administrative Decentralization .