
  • 网络STRATEGY;Organizational strategy;Organization strategy
  1. 为实现上述目标,ZJ公司应实施运作战略、组织战略、营销战略、财务战略和人力资源战略等。

    In order to realize this objective , ZJ should apply operational strategy , organizational strategy , marketing strategy , financial strategy and human resources strategy .

  2. 基于组织战略的薪酬体系设计

    The Remuneration System Design Based on the Organizational Strategy

  3. 近年来,理论研究和实践都支持了CEO尤其是名人CEO对于组织战略制定和组织绩效有重要影响。

    Recently , the theory and practice have confirmed that CEO , especially the CEO celebrity has essential impact on strategy formulation and organizational performance .

  4. 通过文献研究、组织战略分析、头脑风暴法、行为事件访谈等多种渠道收集调查问卷条目,采用360度胜任素质调查问卷对X矿业集团200多人进行了调查。

    This study collected the items of the questionnaire through literature research , organization strategic analysis , brainstorming , behavioral event interviews etc , and investigated more than 200 workers using 360 ' competency questionnaire in X mining group , including middle managers themselves , senior managers and employees .

  5. 平衡计分卡(简称BSC)发展到今天,被认为是过去几十年中最具影响力的管理思想之一,在世界范围内已成为衡量和管理组织战略的著名实践操作方法。

    Running to today the Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is considered one of the most influential management ideas during the past few ten years and becomes a world famous operating method of the strategic measurement and management in practice .

  6. 组织战略管理中的反馈控制系统

    The Project of Feedback Control Systems in Strategic Management of Organization

  7. 以战略为导向的绩效管理系统必须与组织战略保持一致,员工的绩效目标能够与组织的战略目标紧密结合,通过提高员工的个人绩效来提高组织的整体绩效,从而实现组织的战略目标。

    Strategy-oriented performance management system must be consistent with organizational strategy .

  8. 组织战略信息系统用户情报行为研究

    Study on Information Behavior of User of Organization Strategic Information System

  9. 非营利性组织战略管理形成及其概念模型

    Management strategy forming and the conceptual model of nonprofit organizations

  10. 组织战略视角下的商业银行组织结构分析

    Analysis on Organizational Structure of Commercial Banks under the Perspective of Organizational Strategy

  11. 论现代企业成长的组织战略:一种新的透视

    Onthe Organization Strategy for the Growth of Modern Enterprises : A New Perspective

  12. 这一过程将引致对于组织战略和结构的重新审视。

    This process results in a reexamination of an organizations strategy and structure .

  13. 在各层级合作展开改进活动为组织战略目标服务。

    Alignment of improvement activities at all levels to an organizations strategic intent .

  14. 非营利组织战略管理分析方法的探讨

    Discussing the Strategic Management Analysis Methods of NPO

  15. 组织战略以及使命、任务、目标、计划的制定与人力资源战略紧密相关。

    Organizational strategy and mission , goals , plans are closely related to human resource strategy .

  16. 信息经济条件下民营企业组织战略设计与调整

    Study on design and adjustment of organizational strategy in private enterprises under condition of information economy

  17. 第三部分,在经营战略重新定位的基础上,结合农资企业的主要优劣势,分析提出了组织战略的相应变革和创新;

    In the third part , advance the organization strategies that EAMP may change and create ;

  18. 我国国家创新中的图书情报组织战略

    The Stratagem of the Organization of Library and Intelligence in the Innovation System of State in China

  19. 提供支持组织战略计划实现所必需的结构和资源。

    Provision of the structure and resources that are necessary to support the organization 's strategic plans .

  20. 一个更好的方法是确定什么能力是达到组织战略目标所需要的。

    A better approach is to determine what competencies are needed to achieve the strategic goals of the organization .

  21. 第十部分将非营利组织战略使命和绩效评价联系起来,设计出非营利组织的绩效评价体系框架。

    Part 10 combines NPO strategic mission with performance evaluation and designs the framework of NPO performance evaluation system .

  22. 在根据外界环境变化和组织战略需要的基础上,干部考核应采取多样化的方法。

    Examining cadres should take various methods on the basis of environment change and the need of organization strategic .

  23. 协同效应主要是通过企业资源战略、业务经营战略和组织战略的完善,达到企业资源结构、业务结构和组织结构的优化而获取的。

    The synergy effects can be achieved by optimizing resource structure , business structure and organizational framework of enterprise .

  24. 知识型营销人员的能力建设作为组织战略,已经得到越来越多组织的重视。

    Nowadays , more and more organizations take the capacity building of knowledge-based marketing staff as an organizational strategy .

  25. 比较了职能论者与战略选择理论对组织战略的不同解释;

    It compares , different explanations of organizational strategy between approaches of functionalist and the theory of strategic choice firstly .

  26. 公司或关键素质是指所有员工对履行整个组织战略的承诺性和完整性。

    Company or core competencies are those that all employees are expected to practice such as Organizational Commitment or Integrity .

  27. 而信息技术与组织战略变革相结合则对于企业战略管理相当重要。

    Aslo , the combination of information technology and organizational strategic change play a very important role in firm strategic manangement .

  28. 文章还提出了把城市化作为转型经济空间组织战略的政策建议。

    The article also poses a policy recommendation that we should take urbanization as a strategy of economic and spatial organization transition .

  29. 面对复杂多变的经营环境,作为一种职能管理活动的薪酬管理必须服从于组织战略管理的需要。

    Facing the complex and changeable operating environment , compensation management , a functional management , must serve the organizational strategic management .

  30. 论文的意义在于有利于企业组织战略目标的实现及能增强企业的核心竞争力。

    The significance of the paper is to help enterprises organizations to realize their strategic goals and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .