
  • 网络organization life cycle;organizational life cycle
  1. 企业文化刚性的组织生命周期模型

    Organizational Culture The Organization Life Cycle Model of Corporate Culture Rigidity

  2. 其次,对组织生命周期的交替时,企业面临的问题进行了研究和总结,这在企业战略实施研究中具有一定的独创性;

    Secondly , it researches and summarizes the problems the enterprises face when the organization life cycle shifts ;

  3. 组织生命周期拐点特征与学习智障研究

    Learning Disability and Characteristics of the Key Points in the Lifecycle of Organization

  4. 本文通过对组织生命周期理论和个人职业生涯周期理论的学习与研究,对职业生涯管理理论的内容、方法予以全面、系统的阐述和分析。

    Through studying the Organizational Life Cycle theory and Personal Career Cycle theory , this paper comprehensively and systematically observes and analyzes the contents and the methods of the Career Management .

  5. 借鉴组织生命周期理论,建立了大学创新学术团队的生命周期模型,并阐述了不同生命周期阶段团队管理的重点。

    By borrowing Life Cycle Assessment Theory , the chapter establishes the life cycle model of the universities innovative academic teams and elaborates the emphasis for the team management at the different stage of the whole life cycle .

  6. 组织生命周期理论和总裁生命周期理论,阐述了企业组织和企业领导人员发展成长的特点和规律,为我们建立和完善对国有企业管理人员的激励监督机制,提供了极为重要的依据。

    The theory on organization cycle and president office cycle elaborates on the characteristics and laws in the growth of enterprise organization and enterprise leaders , providing vital basis for the establishment and improvement of the promotion and supervision mechanism directed against state owned enterprise executives .

  7. 能力型企业组织的生命周期模型研究

    A Study on the Lifecycle Model of Competence-based Enterprises Organization

  8. 然后在此基础上分别研究了网络组织的生命周期模型、层次模型、过程模型、价值链模型,以及运行模式;

    Based on such conclusion , studies the model of NO from life cyc organization level process and value chain , and operational mode ;

  9. 并在此基础上结合组织的生命周期理论构建了基于业务流程的知识管理流程框架并阐述具体实施过程。

    In line with this theory on the life cycle of organization , the paper constructed knowledge management framework and the concrete implementation plan based on business process .

  10. 根据国际标准化组织的生命周期评价标准,建立了空调冷源的能量生命周期清单模型,提出了环境影响评价方法。

    According to life cycle assessment theory and standards of ISO , the model of life cycle inventory of energy of cooling sources was developed and a method of life cycle assessment was introduced .

  11. 任何成熟的规程通常都组织为生命周期的形式,其中包括多个阶段,这些阶段彼此有逻辑差别,但都有定义良好的转换点,用于从一个阶段进入到下一个阶段。

    Any mature discipline is usually organized in the form of a lifecycle , with phases that are logically separate from each other but have well defined hand-off points to move from one phase to the next .

  12. 本论文从经济全球化出发,回顾了企业能力理论的发展,探讨了能力型企业组织的生命周期模型和在生命周期各个阶段的组织特点。

    Starting from economic globalization , the article reviews the development of enterprises ′ capability theory , then it examined the enterprises ′ lifecycle model , and discusses the basic characters in every phase of the enterprises ′ lifecycle .

  13. 紧接着,文章从农村中介组织的生命周期为出发点,结合农村中介组织生命周期理论和权力转变理论,分生产、成长、成熟、退出四个阶段对政府参与的角色做了清晰的定义。

    Thirdly , from the perspective of life cycle of intermediate organizations , combined with the related theory and power transformation theory , the paper make a clear definition for government involvement role from production , growth , maturity , withdraw .

  14. 其次通过对联通3G业务市场营销项目化管理的组织模式、生命周期的研究,探讨了联通3G业务市场战略及实施规划。

    Second , it explores the market strategy and implementation planning of China Unicom 3G service through the study of project management organization mode and life cycle .

  15. IBM推荐组织使用治理生命周期来增量地确定治理需求,将治理能力就位,并且建立度量机制来确保对治理的改进可以引起组织行为中的预期变更。

    IBM recommends that organizations use the governance lifecycle to incrementally identify governance needs , put governance capabilities in place , and establish measurement mechanisms to ensure that the improvements to governance cause the desired change in the behavior of the organization .

  16. TestLabManager是RationalQualityManager的一个嵌入式组件,它使测试团队能够将测试实验室资源(无论是虚拟的还是物理的)的管理集成到其组织的质量管理生命周期中。

    Test Lab Manager is an embedded component of Rational Quality Manager that enables test teams to integrate management of test lab resources ( virtual or physical ) into their organization 's quality management lifecycle .

  17. 授权治理组织管理整个服务生命周期。

    Empower a governance body to manage the entire service life cycle .

  18. 大多数组织建立的软件生命周期没有涉及到如何进行这些交互。

    Most organisations establish a software lifecycle that lays down how these interactions are supposed to happen .

  19. 经济全球化环境中的动态创新组织中小型企业生命周期中的动态创新战略

    Dynamic Innovative Organism in Economic Globalization Dynamic innovative strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises in its life cycle

  20. 本文采用文献综述法,对高校交叉学科建设的相关理论进行了梳理,并基于组织理论中的权变理论、组织生命周期理论以及行为科学理论、系统管理理论、管理过程理论构建了团队建设研究框架。

    Use contingency theory , organizational life cycle theory , behavioral science theory , systems management theory , the theory of the management process to build the framework of team-building research from the perspective of organization theory .

  21. 许多当代管理专家和企业家都认为组织既然可以作为能动的有机体看待,那么,它一定是有寿命的,组织生命周期理论也是因此提出的。

    Many contemporary management experts and entrepreneurs believe that organizations that can be viewed as a dynamic organism , then it definitely is life , life-cycle theory of organization is therefore proposed .