
chū kǒu tuì shuì
  • export tax rebate
  1. WTO允许一国采用出口退税和出口信贷的形式支持出口。

    The pattern that WTO follows is export tax rebate and export credit to encourage export .

  2. 高外贸依存度下的出口退税政策

    Export tax rebate policy with the high foreign trade dependence

  3. 出口退税作为一项财政激励政策,已被WTO成员广泛应用。

    The export drawback took a financial drive policy , has been widely applied by the WTO member .

  4. 加人WTO后,我国进口关税收入会增加,而出口退税将导致国家财政负担加重。

    After entering WTO , our import duty will be raised , and the export drawback will increase the financial load .

  5. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  6. 本课题的出口退税为网络应用系统,为此,总体架构采用了目前流行的B/S三层结构,基于Struts框架采用J2EE实现。

    So , the whole architecture selects the popular B / S three-tier architecture using J2EE framework based on Struts .

  7. 出口退税政策是一项财政激励措施,已经为WTO许多成员国所采用,具有其它鼓励出口的措施所不具备的优势;

    Second , as a financial incentive measure , export rebate policy has being adopted by many countries of WTO , and it has unique predominance as compared with the other export incentives ;

  8. 出口退税率变动影响出口商品需求量,带动GDP变动,转变贸易增长方式。实行差别退税率优化产业结构和地区经济结构调整。

    The fluctuation of the rate of the refunded tax on exports will influence the demands of exports , invite the change of GDP and transform the way of the increase of trade .

  9. 因此,只要退税措施得当,财力安排合理,在WTO条件下,出口退税制度一定能够持续、稳定地发挥产业保护功能。

    Accordingly , so long as the measure of drawback is apt , the financial resources are arranged rationally , export drawback system can unquestionably give lasting and steady play to the function of industry protection under WTO condition .

  10. 加入WTO与出口退税是对我国机电产品出口影响较大的因素,加入WTO在给我国机电产品国际竞争带来更加公平自由的市场环境的同时,也面临更加激烈的国际市场角逐;

    Entering WTO and tax refund on exports exerted great influence on our mechanical and electrical products exporting . The former provided as not only more fair add free market surroundings , but more grueling international market competition as well .

  11. 经济政策是应随着经济环境和经济需求进行完善和变化的,中国加入WTO后,WTO的有关条款要求作为缔约国一方的中国坚持和完善出口退税政策。

    The economic policy should perfect and transform along with economic environment and economic request . After China join the WTO , the WTO relevant item requests China as one of signatory state to persist and perfect tax rebate for exports policy .

  12. 江西省国税局四个主体应用软件(增值税管理系统、CTAIS系统、出口退税审核系统、多元化电子申报纳税系统),在全省十一个设区市国税局全面运行。

    There are four systems which are running in Taxation Administration Office of Jiangxi Province in eleven cities offices , they are Value Added Tax Administration System , China Tax Administration Information System , Drawback Tax Checking System and Internet Tax Declare System .

  13. 氧化铁行业与出口退税率调整

    Ferric Oxide Industry and Modification of Tax Drawback Rate in Export

  14. 论我国出口退税政策的困境与出路

    A Discussion on Difficulties and Countermeasures of Export Drawback in China

  15. 我国出口退税管理中内部控制制度设计

    Design of Internal Control System in Our Country 's Export-Tax-Refunding Management

  16. 出口退税制度对我国经济影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Export Drawback System to Our Country

  17. 出口退税政策对出口贸易的效应分析

    Analysis of Export Tax Reimbursement Policy 's Effect on Export Trade

  18. 第二部分是我国出口退税政策的历史、现状及存在的问题。

    Section two summarizes the main contents of the existing ETR .

  19. 新的出口退税政策对外向型企业的影响分析

    The Influence Analysis of New Drawback Policy to Outward Type Enterprises

  20. 出口退税改革对湖南出口贸易影响的实证分析

    Impact of Export Tax Rebate Reformation on Export Trade of Hunan

  21. 浅谈出口退税理论演进及其应用

    Application and Evolutionary Progression of Theory of Tax Reimbursement for Export

  22. 降低出口退税率对钼行业的影响

    The influence on China molybdenum industry after reducing export drawback rate

  23. 新出口退税机制对加工贸易的效应分析

    The Effect Analysis of New Export Rebates System on Processing Trade

  24. 中国出口退税制度改革与经济可持续增长

    The Reforming of Refunding Export Taxes System and the Sustainable Economic Development

  25. 对我国出口退税制度实施困境的思考

    A Reflection on the Predicament of Our Export Rebate System

  26. 出口退税隐蔽违规行为分析及应对策略研究

    Analysis and Countermeasures Research of Hidden Violations in Tax Refund

  27. 出口退税政策与我国出口商品结构优化&基于不同技术程度行业的研究

    Policy of Export Tax Rebate and China Export Structure Optimization

  28. 我国农产品出口退税制度优化分析

    Analysis on the Optimization of the Export Rebate System of Agricultural Products

  29. 骗取出口退税案件发生的成因与防范

    Causes of Formation of Tax Fraud Cases and Its Countermeasures

  30. 试论商业银行出口退税帐户托管贷款

    On the Loan of Export Drawback and Account Trusteeship of Commercial Bank