
  • 网络export supervised warehouse
  1. 《中华人民共和国海关出口监管仓库注册登记证书》有效期为3年。

    The period of valid of the Certificate shall be3 years .

  2. 未经海关批准,在出口监管仓库擅自存放非出口监管仓库货物;

    Storing goods in such warehouses that shall not be put there without the customs'authorization ;

  3. 出口监管仓库库址土地使用权证明文件或者租赁仓库的租赁协议复印件;

    Copies of certificates of land use right for sites of such warehouses or their leasing contracts ;

  4. 海关可以会同出口监管仓库经营企业共同对出口监管仓库加锁或者直接派员驻库监管。

    The customs can lock export warehouses under supervision together with their operators or station people directly in them for supervision .

  5. 对于符合条件的,作出准予设立出口监管仓库的行政许可决定,并出具批准文件;

    In respect of those qualified , it will make administrative decisions to permit establishment of export warehouses under supervision and issue approving documents ;

  6. 对不享受入仓即予退税政策的出口监管仓库,海关在货物实际离境后签发出口货物报关单证明联。

    In respect of those which don 't enjoy the above policy , the customs will issue certificates of export customs declarations after the goods leave ports actually .

  7. 出口监管仓库、保税区、出口加工区的货物出口到境外,按现行规定执行。

    If the goods in supervised warehouse , bonded areas and export processing areas are exported to foreign countries , it is carried out in accordance with current regulations .